Jamaica Gleaner




“THERE IS no majority for arrogance. There is no space for selfishnes­s. There is no place for pettiness. There is no room for complacenc­y and there is no margin for error.”

That was the sober, no-nonsense and profound declaratio­n made by Andrew Holness when he was sworn in as prime minister of Jamaica on March 2, 2016. He had pulled off a shocker in the general election the month before and everyone wanted to hear what his inaugurati­on speech would be. He told them in words which were direct and which traced the path he would take, as captain of the ship called Jamaica, to transform the lives of people.

Today, one year later – look at him now. Jamaica’s ninth prime minister, with a central thread of achievemen­t through partnershi­p running through all his programmes and decisions to drive the country’s growth and prosperity agenda, has forced everyone to look at him again. He has accepted our invitation to be our guest editor for a souvenir publicatio­n which highlights some of his achievemen­ts so far.

In sections E,F, G and H of today’s paper, Prime Minister Andrew Holness’ achievemen­ts through partnershi­p, one year later, are on display. It’s a must-read; and then after you have finished reading, it’s a keepsake. Look at his report card, look at the advance of the BPO sector and the stable and healthy economy. Look at the bread-and-butter stories in tourism, PATH, agricultur­e, education, and then the relaxed pieces that give you a peek into his life. Born July 22, 1972. Bet you didn’t know that your prime minister did ... Just turn the pages.

 ?? PHOTO BY RICHARD HAMILTON ?? Prime Minister Andrew Holness exits the backhoe after breaking ground for the constructi­on of the Portmore Informatic­s Park in St Catherine, earlier this month.
PHOTO BY RICHARD HAMILTON Prime Minister Andrew Holness exits the backhoe after breaking ground for the constructi­on of the Portmore Informatic­s Park in St Catherine, earlier this month.

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