Jamaica Gleaner

Orchid-growing tips


Water once or twice per week, depending on your conditions. Vandas/Dendrobium­s grown in full sun should be watered daily; Cattleyas/Phalaenops­is, when medium dries out.

Most orchids will thrive on benign neglect and die from being overwatere­d.

Fertilise at least once per month with a balanced fertiliser. One tablespoon per gallon (2020-20 or 15-5-15 Cal-mag) of a water-soluble fertiliser.

Add a tablespoon of Epsom Salts and a few drops of Superthriv­e per gallon to fertiliser to improve feeding.

What N-P-K means: N-PK. N– nitrogen (growth); P – phosphorou­s (bloom); K – potassium (roots).

Repot orchids after they have done blooming and have started to show new growth (be careful to trim dead roots and prevent damage to growing tips); or when medium has broken down.

Repot in new or sterile container with fresh-growing medium.

Keep track of name tags when transplant­ing orchids.

Make sure the orchid is firmly secure in pot, basket or mount. Use clips, wire, ties, stockings to secure. If orchid is lifted by pseudobulb, it should not leave the pot.

Inspect plants frequently and thoroughly for signs of pests/diseases.

Keep growing environmen­t clean, and free of dead or rotting material.

Allow space between plants for ventilatio­n, which helps to reduce spread of disease.

Spray with a fungicide monthly, more often in wet season.

Spray with an insecticid­e monthly. E.g., Orthene, Neem oil, Safer soap. Repeat treatment over three-four weeks to get rid of an infestatio­n. Apply snail bait during the rainy season. Avoid spraying in windy conditions. Water, spray early in the day. Be mindful of pets and neighbours. Use protective wear. Read labels and follow manufactur­es’ directions. Above all ... orchid growing is a hobby. Have fun, enjoy them.

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