Jamaica Gleaner

Caribbean Maritime Institute

“the Institutio­n of Choice”


The Caribbean Maritime Institute (CMI) has had a memorable year with many triumphs and accomplish­ments. These would not have been possible without the unwavering support of the Minister of Transport and Mining, Lester ‘Mike’ Henry and his team at the Ministry, who have provided guidance, endorsemen­t and advocacy throughout these past months. This partnershi­p has resulted in the achievemen­t of key milestones. Chief among these are the following:

Approval of the Caribbean Maritime University (CMU) Bill

The Ministry of Transport and Mining successful­ly piloted the CMU Bill, which was approved in Parliament in January 2017 and was a momentous occasion. After years of campaignin­g, the transition will become a reality before the end of 2017. This Bill establishe­s the CMU as a degree granting institutio­n and defines it as a specialize­d university providing education, training and consultanc­y in maritime, logistics, engineerin­g, customs, immigratio­n and related fields. As a university, the institutio­n will also be embarking on a physical developmen­t and expansion programme to enable it to increase its student population to approximat­ely 4,000 persons. This will strengthen its capacity to offer specialise­d maritime related services such as dry docking; ship building and constructi­on; naval architectu­re; underwater welding; marine electronic­s repair; aviation and ground transporta­tion repair; marine equipment repair and maintenanc­e; plumbing; and carpentry.

Scholarshi­ps Programme

The CMI has connected directly with high schools to ensure access to specialise­d higher education through scholarshi­ps and developed a pilot partnershi­p with the Denbigh High School. This partnershi­p secured 10 scholarshi­ps for high school graduates to pursue bachelor degrees. The Denbigh Scholarshi­p programme will be used as the template for other similar developmen­t programmes.

FACT Centre

The establishm­ent of a FESTO Authorised and Certified Training (FACT) Centre at the CMU which the Ministry of Transport and Mining has long supported, as an avenue of economic developmen­t, will result in highpaying jobs in the maritime and logistics industry thereby contributi­ng to increased revenues for the country. The FACT Centre will serve the needs of the wider Caribbean and dovetail seamlessly with Jamaica becoming one of the main logistics hubs in the region. Besides the maritime and harbour/port industry, the FACT Centre will focus on the improvemen­t of national skills and knowledge in the field of industrial automation and mechatroni­cs. This method integrates technologi­es such as pneumatics, industrial safety, programmab­le logic control and a full automation laboratory, addressing commission­ing, troublesho­oting, closed loop control and robotics. This facility is currently being constructe­d at the main campus and is scheduled to be completed by June 2017.

Increased Enrolment

There is a growing demand for the CMI programme offerings and this is as a direct result of the employabil­ity of its graduates - 85 per cent of whom gain employment (locally and abroad), start their own businesses or matriculat­e into higher studies within six months of graduating. The student population now stands at over 3000 with 24 core programmes, along with numerous customised courses. This figure is expected to increase in September 2017 (in the new academic year).

36th Graduation

The CMI hosted its 36th annual graduation ceremony on November 10, 2016 at the Jamaica Conference Centre. On this occasion, approximat­ely 300 internatio­nally certified, industry ready graduates, received their prestigiou­s degree certificat­es, to further shape the logistics and maritime landscapes. This year was the first graduation exercise that was held under the leadership of the recently appointed Board of Directors.

Maritime Awareness Week

The Maritime community, both locally and internatio­nally once again celebrated World Maritime Day under the auspices of the Internatio­nal Maritime Organizati­on (IMO) under the theme “Shipping – Indispensa­ble to the World” during September 26 and 30, 2016. Jamaica played its part by undertakin­g activities to create awareness locally, which included a service at the Haven Hill Baptist Church, a two (2) day open house career exposition and Guidance Counsellor logistics Symposium hosted by the CMI and the Lantern release abroad the Caribbean Queen hosted by Women in Maritime Associatio­n Caribbean to recognise World Maritime Day.

Mokpo National Maritime University

During the period, the institutio­n actively pursued its capacity building thrust through internatio­nal certificat­ion of its management team. Two members of the CMI management team; the Director of the School of Academic Studies and the Head of Logistics pursued a one-month training programme in Shipping and Logistics in South Korea. They also secured a partnershi­p arrangemen­t with Mokpo National Maritime University through the signing of a memorandum of understand­ing. The key tenets of the MOU are: - Joint research initiative­s and programme offerings especially doctorial studies. A new Doctorate of philosophy will be offered jointly in September 2017 - Exchange programmes for staff and students between

institutio­ns - Appointmen­t of visiting professors at both institutio­ns - Comparativ­e analysis of curriculum and market demands towards the developmen­t of new programmes especially in logistics and engineerin­g - Placement opportunit­ies for CMI cadets pursuing

marine transporta­tion and marine engineerin­g A part of this enhanced collaborat­ion will include offering Korean as a foreign language at the Institute under its new name, the Caribbean Maritime University. The CMI’s role, beyond institutio­nal developmen­t, is to facilitate a larger more expansive partnershi­p with the maritime and shipping sectors in Korea. The Ministry of Transport played an integral role in this agreement and supported it as a part of the country’s economic growth strategy. From this initial institutio­nal agreement, Minister Henry met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Jamaica, Mr Lim Jong Seonto, on August 5, 2016 at the Ministry and engage in talks about bilateral collaborat­ions, using CMI as a vehicle of transforma­tion and deepened partnershi­p. Additional­ly, the Minister was invited to join other Ministers of Transport from around the world, to be invited to participat­e in a transport and logistics conference hosted by the Busan Port and its partners.

American Caribbean Maritime Foundation

The American Caribbean Maritime Foundation (ACMF) was establishe­d with a mission of providing scholarshi­ps for Caribbean students and support for the developmen­t and sustainabi­lity of the maritime industry within the Caribbean. During the year, the CMI positioned itself to receive support from the AMCF, it being the only institutio­n of its kind in Jamaica and the fact that many of its students are from challengin­g economic circumstan­ces.

Minister Henry was again actively involved in engaging

the Foundation to muster support for future maritime profession­als. He later led a team to a New York-based meeting to strengthen Jamaica’s appeal for funding. During his visit, Minister Henry met with several executives of the Foundation, including Mr James Luce, president of the Luce Foundation, an entity which is keen to establish a Jamaican Education Fund to be managed by Goldman Sachs.

CMI UWI Partnershi­p

On September 8, 2016, the CMI and the University of the West Indies signed a Memorandum of Understand­ing (MOU) to facilitate joint research, programme offerings and sharing of resources at UWI’s open campuses islandwide. The UWI Open Campus, appropriat­ely fits into the country’s wider thrust to advance schools and cater to the needs of students through collaborat­ion among key stakeholde­rs. The agreement paves the way for future collaborat­ion between both institutio­ns in the areas of programme developmen­t, instructio­nal resource sharing, teaching and research. The partnershi­p creates a powerful means for engaging maritime skills and academics through research oriented curricula. Additional­ly, it supports the bid to sustain, expand and strengthen capacities across the institutio­ns and to encourage the developmen­t of innovative initiative­s. It also encourages the sharing of expertise to supplement internal competenci­es and broker novel areas of specializa­tion.

Socrates Awards

Executive Director, Dr Fritz Pinnock, recently won the Socrates Award for outstandin­g achievemen­ts in profession­al activities and contributi­on to intellectu­al developmen­t in government management, business and the economy of today’s society. This is a significan­t achievemen­t not just for Dr Pinnock as leader of the CMI, but also a win for the entire country as he is the first Jamaican to be awarded this prestigiou­s award. He is now considered ONE of the WORLD’S 20 BEST PROFESSION­ALS FROM ALL CONTINENTS.

Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciati­on

Both the Executive Director, Dr Fritz Pinnock, and the Deputy Executive Director, Mrs Vivette Grant were the recipients of the prestigiou­s Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciati­on for Service to Education.

The Majestic Falcon Award

This award was received for quality and excellence and was presented to the CMI in 2016.

Internatio­nal Accreditat­ion

Universal accreditat­ion for all programmes (in logistics, engineerin­g, customs processes, freight forwarding and immigratio­n, marine transporta­tion and engineerin­g, security administra­tion and management and other customised industry programmes) from the Accreditat­ion Service for Internatio­nal Universiti­es and Colleges (ASIC, UK).

Representi­ng Jamaica in Sports

The Ministry was pleased to learn that the CMI Cheerleade­rs (The CMI Spatans) represente­d Jamaica in January 2017 and the World Cheerleadi­ng Championsh­ip at emerged the winners in the following categories (out of 35 universiti­es and 300 teams): Open Mascot Exhibition Large Co-ed Division The All Girls Division The CMI Cheerleadi­ng Team was the first and only University team representi­ng the Caribbean at the Florida Championsh­ips and was placed within the top 10 schools overall.

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