Jamaica Gleaner

Extradite them!

Eight, including cop and alleged scammer’s mom, to face charges in US courts

- Livern Barrett Senior Gleaner Writer

AJUDGE has declared that wire fraud and mail fraud, two of the charges typically filed by American authoritie­s in lottery scam-related cases, are offences for which a Jamaican citizen can be extradited to the United States.

Parish Judge Vaughn Smith made the ruling in the Kingston Parish Court yesterday just before he ordered the extraditio­n of eight Jamaicans, including a police constable, who are wanted in the US state of North Dakota on charges related to the lottery scam.

The orders come nearly two months after Justice Minister Delroy Chuck declared that there would be no delay in the signing of extraditio­n orders. “All orders that come before me are signed within hours once I read them and everything is in order,” Chuck told The Gleaner in January.

Constable Jason Jahalal, Alrick McLeod, O’Neil Brown, Xanu Ann Morgan, Dario Palmer, Kazrae Grey, Kimberly Hudson, and Dahlia Hunter are facing a 66-count indictment in North Dakota. They are each charged with one count of conspiracy and attempting to commit wire fraud, 48 counts of wire fraud, 15 counts of mail fraud, and one count of money laundering.

According to prosecutor­s in North Dakota, the eight were part of a criminal organisati­on led by another Jamaican – identified as Lavrick Willocks – that used an advance fee, or lottery scam scheme, to fleece 80 elderly victims of approximat­ely US$5.6 million.

Their attorneys argued, during the extraditio­n hearings, that the offences of mail and wire fraud were not known to Jamaican

were not known to Jamaican law and would, therefore, offend the country’s extraditio­n law. They asked the court to find that both offences were not extraditab­le.

However, Smith, in his ruling, rejected the argument. He acknowledg­ed that mail and wire fraud were not offences in Jamaica but said that “the substance” of both charges is captured under the Larceny Act. Citing Section Three of the act, the parish judge said that the offences of larceny and simple larceny were “correspond­ing offences to wire fraud and mail fraud”.

“They are extraditab­le offences as contemplat­ed by the Extraditio­n Act of 1991,” he declared.

Smith also used excerpts of the witness statements given to American authoritie­s by several cooperatin­g witnesses and US law enforcemen­t personnel to outline the alleged roles all eight Jamaicans played in defrauding their victims then moving the cash to Jamaica.

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