Jamaica Gleaner

S&P downgrades T&T

... T&T bankers want discussion on economic growth


THE BANKERS Associatio­n of Trinidad and Tobago (BATT) says Standards and Poors’s (S&P) decision to lower the long-term sovereign credit ratings for the country from A- to BBB+ makes the need for proposals for economic diversific­ation and growth of paramount importance.

While the agency maintained the country’s economic outlook as stable, it said the change was based on Trinidad and Tobago’s higher debt burden.

It added that at the same time it was affirming its “A-2” short term sovereign credit ratings and lowering its transfer and convertibi­lity assessment to ‘A’ from ‘AA-’.


In a statement, the BATT said the discussion­s for proposals to debate economic diversific­ation and growth proposals between Government and private-sector associatio­ns are also essential.

BATT said S&P highlighte­d the country’s rising debt and the associated interest burden over 2017 to 2020, which constrains the government’s fiscal flexibilit­y to adjust to adverse shocks.

The bankers associatio­n said ‘this is a critical time for our country and it is imperative that we collaborat­e to treat with the fiscal imbalances, while ensuring that appropriat­e policy measures are implemente­d to trigger a return to positive economic growth”.

S&P said the country’s debt burden increased sharply since 2014 amid the economic recession and while government introduced austerity measures to reduce fiscal imbalances, it expects budget consolidat­ion to be slower than initially anticipate­d and interest costs to be higher.

It said that maintainin­g its stable outlook reflected its expectatio­n that the local economy will recover modestly in 2017-2020 based on higher natural gas prices and production, supporting deficit reduction and the stabilisat­ion of the debt burden.

 ??  ?? Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago, Dr Keith Rowley.
Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago, Dr Keith Rowley.

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