Jamaica Gleaner

Stopping cervical cancer IN ITS TRACKS

- Dr Milton Hardie Contributo­r Dr Milton Hardie is a consultant obstetrici­an and gynaecolog­ist.

CANCER OF the cervix is second to breast cancer as the cause of death by a malignancy in the Jamaican woman. The cervix or lower part of the womb is that part of the womb that enters the top of the vagina, making it accessible for examinatio­n and testing by this route.


Cancer of the cervix may produce no symptoms until the disease is advanced. Symptoms may be confined to the pelvis, to areas of distant spread, or may be generalise­d as in any other advanced malignant disease with weight loss, loss of appetite and generalise­d malaise.

Symptoms confined to the pelvis may include or be of any combinatio­n of: Vaginal discharge, usually chronic, which may be foulsmelli­ng, discoloure­d or bloodstain­ed; There may be abnormal vaginal bleeding; Bleeding with intercours­e; Pains with intercours­e; pelvic and/or backaches; Urinary symptoms such as frequency of, and/or pains on urination, or blood in the urine. There may be associated pains or rectal bleeding with or without defecation. Distant spread of disease would bring about symptoms specific for the organ to which the cancer has spread.


Human papilloma virus (HPV) is considered the most important factor contributi­ng to the developmen­t of cervical intraepith­elial neoplasia (CIN), or pre-cancer, and cervical cancer. Countries with a high incidence of cervical cancer also have a high prevalence of HPV.

There are more than 150 strains of this virus, four of which are associated with 95 per cent of cancer of the cervix locally.

Transmissi­on of the HPV is by intimate contact, and contact not confined only to sexual intercours­e. HPV vaccinatio­ns are available and these can significan­tly reduce the incidence of cervical cancer. Despite the benefits of HPV vaccines, the number of people who have been vaccinated is woefully low.

Other epidemiolo­gic risk factors associated with cervical pre-cancer and cervical cancer include a history of sexual intercours­e at an early age, early age of first pregnancy, multiple sexual partners, high parity (more than five children), sexually transmitte­d infections, smoking

and a previous history of cervical pre-cancer.


Cervical cancer is a preventabl­e condition. Employment of Pap smear screening is an effective weapon in the arsenal of preventing this condition. The substantia­l decrease in its incidence and mortality in developed countries is the result of effective screening. In fact, because we now screen approximat­ely 20 per cent of our women, cervical cancer is no longer the number-one cancer causing mortality in our women locally.

Thankfully, cervical disease is slow growing. Transition from a pre-cancerous lesion could take anywhere from a year to 20 years to become a cancer, depending on the individual. This is where screening will assist in the reduction of cancer developmen­t as pre-cancerous lesions are detectable on Pap smear screening, are treatable, and curable. These treatments would interrupt their transition to invasive cervical cancers.


And what is this Pap smear? It derived its name from Papanicola­ou, the name of the Greek physician who developed the test. It involves collecting cells from the cervix using a spatula, which bears a resemblanc­e to a ‘fudge stick’, or by the use of a cervical brush, and smearing these cells on to a glass slide, fixing the smear with an alcohol-based solution, and then submitting this slide for laboratory examinatio­n.

This laboratory evaluation may reveal no abnormalit­y or they might reveal any combinatio­n of the following: Moderate or severe inflammati­on; Abnormal bacteria; Yeasts; HPV changes; Atypical cells, which may be

further subdivided in lowgrade squamous intra-epithelial lesion (LGSIL); High-grade squamous intraepith­elial lesion (HGSIL); or They may report the presence of malignant cells. Women with LGSIL and HGSIL are suffering from a premaligna­nt lesion and should be referred for further gynaecolog­ical evaluation and treatment. So, too, should those with malignant cells be referred for treatment.

Screening tests should be reliable, readily available, easy to perform, and affordable. The Pap smear is all of the above. Every

woman who has ever had sexual intercours­e should in her best interest have her Pap smear done on the schedule advised by her health practition­er.

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 ??  ?? Pap smear screening is an effective weapon in preventing cervical cancer. Cancer of the cervix is second to breast cancer as the cause of death by a malignancy in the Jamaican woman.
Pap smear screening is an effective weapon in preventing cervical cancer. Cancer of the cervix is second to breast cancer as the cause of death by a malignancy in the Jamaican woman.

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