Jamaica Gleaner



BREASTCANC­ER.ORG estimates that 30 per cent of cancers diagnosed in women in 2017 will be breast cancer. But considerin­g the amount of informatio­n online regarding breast cancer, there are a lot of myths out there. So in order to better equip yourself, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. Here are some common misconcept­ions that women need to erase from their thinking:

MYTH 1: Almost all breast lumps are cancerous

About 80 per cent of lumps found in women’s breasts turn out not to be cancerous. Most lumps are caused by benign (noncancero­us) changes, cysts or other conditions. However, a woman should not ignore any lump or change in her breast tissue. It is very important to see a physician for a clinical breast exam with possible breast imaging to determine if a lump is of concern or not. A doctor may recommend a mammogram, ultrasound or biopsy to help determine whether a lump is cancerous.

MYTH 2: Underwire bras cause breast cancer

This misconcept­ion is based on an old theory that underwire bras reduce lymphatic drainage, leading to breast cancer by causing toxins to accumulate. This notion has been widely debunked. The consensus is that there is no connection between the tightness of a woman’s clothing and breast cancer risk.

MYTH 3: Antiperspi­rants cause breast cancer

This rumor was started by the fact that some antiperspi­rants use a chemical preservati­ve called parabens, which may increase estrogen, a hormone linked to increased breast cancer risk. There is no research supporting this notion and the American Cancer Society debunked this myth. If parabens are of concern to a woman, she should check the ingredient label and look for ingredient­s such as methylpara­ben, propylpara­ben, butylparab­en or benzylpara­ben. Most antiperspi­rants no longer contain these substances.

Women who have a mammogram will be told not to wear an antiperspi­rant because they can contain aluminium, which can provide a false-positive result. The National Cancer Institute does not advise limiting the use of antiperspi­rants, but it says that more research is needed in this area.

MYTH 4: Women with small breasts have a lower risk of breast cancer

Breast size does not affect a woman’s risk of breast cancer. It is true, however, that it can be harder to examine larger breasts with a clinical breast exam or a mammogram. Regardless of breast size, all women should commit to regular screenings and checkups.

MYTH 5: Exposure to air causes cancer to spread

Having surgery does not cause breast cancer, and cutting into a tumour where it is exposed to air will not cause cancer to spread.

MYTH 6: Breast implants raise the risk of breast cancer

Women with breast implants do not have a higher risk of breast cancer, according to research. However, standard mammograms may not always work as well on women with breast implants, so additional imaging may be needed to fully examine breast tissue.

MYTH 7: Women with lumpy breasts or fibrocysti­c breast changes have a higher risk

At one time, is was believed that women with fibrocysti­c breasts were at a higher risk of breast cancer, but this common condition does not increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer. The lumps are likely due to hormonal changes during a woman’s menstrual cycle. Although fibrocysti­c breast changes don’t increase risk of breast cancer, this condition may make it more difficult to feel a new breast lump.

MYTH 8: The majority of women who get breast cancer have a family history of it

While women who have a family history of breast cancer are in a higher risk group (particular­ly if their mother, sister or daughter develops the disease), most women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of the disease. Statistica­lly, only about 10 per cent of women diagnosed have a family history of breast cancer.

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