Jamaica Gleaner

Local artistes share Earth Day 2017 messages

- pwr.gleaner@gmail.com

EARTH DAY 2017 may have come and gone, but the messages remain – a number of them from the artistes who continue to lend their talent to Panos Caribbean’s Voices for Climate Change Education initiative.

These artistes have made it their business, year and after year, to commit to climate change and environmen­tal education, lending their voices and creativity to a variety of efforts to make it happen.

This week, as we reflect on Earth Day 2017, celebrated internatio­nally last Saturday, April 22, The Gleaner’s Earth Today shares their messages with our valued readers.

“Let us all work together to preserve this planet we call our home. I am imploring everyone to plant a tree for every tree you cut down; let’s put an end to deforestat­ion, soil erosion and major devastatio­n,” said Black Dice.

In addition to his work with Voices, Black Dice is currently a part of the FiWi Jamaica Master in Residence programme at the University of Technology. He is also working on a number of new singles to be released shortly.

“I believe that before we aim to change the world, we must first aim to change ourselves,” maintained Minori Russell.

Russell, a former magnum Kings and Queens contestant, is currently working on a single and music video to be released in July.

“Living in space is not an option, so take care of Planet Earth,” advised Big Pop, who is currently a part of the TV series Losing It. He is also working on his first album titled Serious Time, which should also include a climate change song. Already the first single from that album, titled My Friends Dem Real, has already been released.

“She keeps giving, because it’s her nature, and we keep taking. But we take without giving back. Soon, she will have no more to give. If she is your friend, protect her. She is Mother Earth, and she is our friend,” said Aaron Silk.

Silk is himself working on a new album set for release this summer.

 ??  ?? AARON SILK
 ??  ?? BIG POP
 ??  ?? BLACK DICE

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