Jamaica Gleaner


- Cecelia Campbell Livingston Gleaner Writer familyandr­leigion@gleanerjm.com

How can we look away, ’Cause every single day We’ve got to help at any cost, We can bridge the distance Only we can make the difference Don’t ya know that tears are not enough – Tears Are Not Enough, Northern Lights

IT IS no secret that many of Jamaica’s poor are ardent members of one church community or the other. From their hard-earned pittance, many diligently throw their tithes and offerings into the church’s coffers. While there are some churches running schools and other programmes, there are others that have done nothing to assist in alleviatin­g some of Jamaica’s most vulnerable – the very ones who give their support time and time again.

Pastor and the founder behind the outreach organisati­on Mission of Mercy Jamaica, Ethon Johnson, stands firm by her belief that the Church should form part of the solution in making a difference in society.

The pastor, whose organisati­on will be hosting a donations day giveaway next month in some of Kingston’s most impoverish­ed areas said that it is time that the Church stop taking and, instead, starts to giving back.

“The awesomenes­s of God is tainted when mere men take on the attributes of God upon themselves without worshippin­g the God of Creation Himself. They neglect to honour God with their substance, but expect to be honoured with the blood, sweat, and tears of others,” points out Johnson.

She criticised pastors who build the houses of God supposedly to honour Him, but “fail to invite God” to Sunday morning service or Wednesday night Bible studies.

“They collect offering to build the church house yet, oftentimes, without rememberin­g the poor and needy who often give with the hopes of being remembered by and through their giving. They give with the hope of helping others in need while suffering their own despair,” said Johnson.


For Johnson, offering should not only satisfy the administra­tive aspect of church, but also the many needs of the unchurched and the churched.

“There are pastors who take this call very seriously, yet there are others who simply find more pleasure in receiving and not giving. That is the complete opposite of the plans of God for the Church. They compel the people to move in faith, yet not many of the same move in faith to help to build the communitie­s around them,” she said.

Johnson stressed that assisting the homeless, the motherless and the fatherless should not be the sole responsibi­lity of the Government.

“Some pastors collect money to splurge on nonessenti­al living and the essential aspect of life – to love and care for the poor – is completely neglected,” she said.

Johnson notes that if pastors are relentless in fulfilling their call, the true wealth, that is so vital in the kingdom, would rest favourably on their lives and the many hurts and pain that finances cannot cure would be taken care of, either through laying hands on the sick or simply casting out demons to free a hurting soul.

“Our focus should not only be placed upon financial gains. A bigger house or a fine car is nice, but at what or whose expense? Finding ways of repairing the breach is not only the job of the physical government, but it is also a responsibi­lity of the government of the Church,” she said.

In addition, she points out that programmes to mentor, educate, uplift, and enlighten the community would also be impactful to each region if all churches engage in this instead of just a few.

If this is carried out, before long, the prison would not hold the strength and wealth of the country, but men and women would be uplifted to uplift their own communitie­s and families.

“Clothing the naked should not be left up to people who will rape or molest the victim that has already been victimised; but it should be done by men and women who love God and desire to fulfil the call that was placed on the church.”

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