Jamaica Gleaner

Revisiting people power

- Gordon Robinson

IDO try to reply to every reader who takes the time to send emails. One committed reader keeps complainin­g bitterly that I’m inconsider­ate of my small readership base and in danger of losing it. His latest entreaty deserves reproducti­on: “Gordon: On behalf of your three other readers, I’m begging you to be mindful of those of us who read your column first thing on a Tuesday. The report of the conversati­on between advocate Thomas (Obadiah) Ramsay and Mi Lord ‘Pumpy’ seems to me designed solely to cause choking, sputtering, and howls, which have the response of those in earshot rushing over with all types of implements determined to rescue the reader. Please, I beg you ... help! You are ‘De- Bess’. Fan and reader for life!” Basking in the warm glow of emails like that doesn’t leave much time to look at grumpy, disagreeab­le online comments telling you what a dummy you really are. But, a friend showed me an online comment two Sundays ago by a reader with the intriguing moniker ‘Diogenes of Babylon’, who asked, “In a future article, please address the issue of how we can turn ‘people power’ into an effective political force in Jamaica?” Hands down, this is the best, most articulate and relevant request I’ve ever received. Bring your ID to the studio, Diogenes, to collect your Nothing Prize.

People power is a complex phenomenon because every democracy is premised on the notion that power is exercised by, and on behalf of, the people. So that Diogenes needed to ask this question justifies what I’ve been writing for 20 years, namely, that there’s NO SUCH CREATURE in Jamaica in any organised or institutio­nal way. Jamaica’s governance system is more properly described as ‘Tyranny by Consensus’, where ‘elections’ are shams calculated to allow the JLP or PNP to usurp the people’s power and tyrants to alternate control of that power for their own benefit like a perverted game of musical chairs.


People power is based on philosophy, perspectiv­e, and confluence of events. It’s a non-starter in the absence of a collective consciousn­ess among people that personal good is best achieved by prioritisi­ng collective good. No doubt, Booklist Boyne can catalogue many dull, boring tomes that’ll ‘teach’ you, with historical examples, how people power worked elsewhere, for example, the Bolshevik revolution in Russia; expulsion of the British from India; achievemen­t of civil rights in the USA; removal of Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippine­s; dismantlin­g of apartheid in South Africa; and the Arab Spring.

We’ll look at some of these in due course, but it’s essential to understand that the question is asked with reference to Jamaica, not the USA, Europe, the Middle East, the Far East, or Asia. People Power can be a violent, frightenin­g phenomenon or a non-violent, kumbaya experience depending on repressed citizens’ political focus and education. Undereduca­ted or tribal people end up with violent revolution­s as happened in Somalia, Cuba, 1917 Russia, the Arab Spring, and South Africa (switched back and forth between non-violence and violence like Karl Samuda and political parties). Educated citizens with a sense of nation over tribe can grasp and implement non-violent political protest, as was led by MLK in the USA and Gandhi in India. One of the things people power protests often fail to do is plan for success. Even in our beloved South Africa, the results of a blinkered focus on gaining majority rule without a fulsome comprehens­ion of the pitfalls of government (initially obscured by the presence of a true giant in Mandela) are only now showing their ugly warts. India’s independen­ce, as tumultuous as any armed revolution despite Gandhi’s pleas for unity, resulted in his assassinat­ion and a country, divided on religious grounds, perpetuall­y at war. Winning black voting rights in USA’s Southern States resulted in a striking electoral realignmen­t that dramatical­ly reduced the political leverage available to civil rights forces. Instead, it brought 40 years of Republican dominance that was recently refreshed by voters’ impudence in allowing a black couple in the White House for eight years. Naughty, naughty!

So, the first rule of successful people power movements is to plan, plan, and plan again, including how to handle victory! Every successful people power revolution involved the following political factors: Repressive government. When people feel abused by their own government; when they SEE an elite with the right contacts, colour, class, or creed succeeding without effort, while they get shafted; when government openly threatens to abrogate citizens’ constituti­onal rights, seeds of people power revolution­s are planted. A grass-roots build-up of consensus/collective consciousn­ess, especially among communitie­s with political difference­s.

As long as Jamaican politician­s are allowed to create and maintain garrison constituen­cies, people power movements won’t be effective political forces. Only hard, committed work by community organisers to explain how Jamaica’s essentiall­y dysfunctio­nal governance systems depend on maintainin­g tribal factions can counteract this strangleho­ld on politics by the two parties. Organisers must find a way to explain the benefits of unity across party lines to achieve a greater goal, namely, a new Constituti­on. A way must be found to make Jamaicans, generally excluded from global education, understand that a properly structured nation is like a properly built home. Its foundation is its Constituti­on.

External government­s either sympatheti­c to the cause or dependent on a governable country.

This usually coincides with the repressive government’s weakness or vulnerabil­ity. In Jamaica, Government’s razor-thin majority in Parliament is the weakness that makes a people power movement extremely viable. Unemotiona­l analysts, looking at the Gandhi movement, have noted that his success wasn’t that he made India ungovernab­le (he didn’t) but because of Britain’s weakness at the end of a debilitati­ng World War AND the anti-imperialis­t sentiments of Britain’s allies at the time. This combinatio­n forced the Brits to beat a hasty retreat when Gandhi’s “thorn-in-yourside” movement gained traction.

This last concept is why I’ve

advocated a no-vote campaign for years. One way to force government to your way is to discover what it wants you to do and do the opposite. Government needs your vote to prove to external debtors that Jamaica is governable. When internatio­nal creditors see only party activists on election day, whoever ‘wins’ will come under intense pressure to do the right thing.

But no true people power movement can succeed without intense grass-roots education by selfless community organisers. Two examples of this are;


After Marcos’s most vocal opponent, Benigno Aquino, was assassinat­ed, his widow, Corazon Aquino, became the Opposition’s presidenti­al candidate. She had no access to mass media and so ran an almost exclusive grass-roots campaign, travelling the full length of the archipelag­o, while Marcos campaigned on radio and TV. Even after Marcos manipulate­d election results in his favour, Filipinos identified with Cory Aquino, who wasn’t a career politician. Then, the Catholic Church issued a powerful statement describing the elections as “unparallel­ed in the fraudulenc­e of their conduct” and Government as having “no moral basis”. This was all the Aquino-led protest needed to sweep Marcos from power.


In Australia, like Jamaica, two powerful political parties monopolise politics and exchange stints in government. During the 2013 election campaign, an independen­t grass-roots movement spontaneou­sly formed in a Northern Victorian electorate called Indi. The independen­t movement became known as ‘The Voice of Indi’. In a very close race, the movement’s candidate, Cathy McGowan, brought down influentia­l Liberal Party frontbench­er Sophia Mirabella, who held the seat for 12 years disregardi­ng any challenge by the Labour Party.

People power surprised both major parties who took voters for granted and stopped listening to them. Aussie political parties, had forever demarcated the country into “safe” and “marginal” seats. Indi was “Labour safe”, and constituen­ts never saw their MP, who was content to shelter under the party umbrella. As an independen­t MP, Cathy McGowan achieved much, including membership of three parliament­ary committees. She was re-elected in 2016.

So, Diogenes, it’s possible. Gather together as many likeminded citizens as you can. Prepare a list of demands for fundamenta­l change. Most importantl­y, in a country like Jamaica, enlist the Church’s involvemen­t from Day One. When your platform is set, get out of your homes and spread the word in your various communitie­s and at church gatherings. Present your movement’s demands to Government as loudly as you can to ensure that they’re heard by the internatio­nal community. You’ll be shocked how that initial gathering of like minds mushrooms into something not even you recognise.

The winning strategy is thought (plan); then word (consult); then deed (organise). Complainin­g alone is useless. Like everything else, people power only works if you work at making it work. Peace and love. P.S. Apologies to @NardaGraha­m, who suffered at the hands of the online printer’s devil omitting the words “@Yawd_Man replying to@NardaGraha­m@TheTerribl­e Tout”, which were in my original copy between her tweet and the next, “It nuh matter. Get sumting and wave”, so it appeared that she was the offending tweeter.

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