Jamaica Gleaner

Let your celebratio­n ring with sweet harmony


THE JAMAICA Baptist Union raises voice and heart in gratitude to God for enabling the William Knibb Memorial Baptist Church to arrive at its 190th year of Christian witness. God’s hand has certainly guided several generation­s of members and leaders through a myriad challenges and changing scenes. In so doing, the Lord of the Church has enabled a ministry that continues to provide thousands with the only true option for a life that’s worth living!

By now, you are aware that the church is in the enviable category of a small band of Baptist churches whose existence predates the establishm­ent of our union. Added to that fact, we ought never to forget that the church came into existence at a time marked by great turmoil and opposition. It was a time when the pressure of the anti-slavery movement was growing and the authoritie­s were reacting to the impending changes to the status quo.


It ought not to have been lost on you that your parish and denominati­on have been in the news recently, with the historic achievemen­t of Sister Violet Mosse Brown achieving the status of the world’s oldest person on Saturday, April 15, 2017. Sister Mosse Brown, as you well know, is a member of the Waldensia circuit and celebrated her 117th birthday last month.

We urge you to make this moment as memorable as possible by renewing your faith in, and commitment to, the Lord of the Church. Let your celebratio­n of this milestone ring with sweet harmony as we declare Jesus Christ is Lord! KARL B. JOHNSON (REV) General Secretary Jamaica Baptist Union

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