Jamaica Gleaner

High school student wants to invest

- Oran Hall Oran A. Hall, principal author of ‘The Handbook of Personal Financial Planning’, offers personal financial planning advice and counsel. finviser.jm@gmail.com

QUESTION: I am currently 17 years old and I’ll be leaving high school soon. They say that the early bird catches the worm, so I would definitely like a jump-start on my financial status. I was wondering if you could advise me on some good investment­s for a budget of $100,000 — $1,000,000. Also could you please share some informatio­n on how I would go about creating an investment portfolio with different types of risk tolerance? – Vaan

FINANCIAL ADVISER: You are right. Starting early is a good way to get to where you want to go and with less hassle and stress. It seems, though, that the range of the portfolio you would want to set up is quite wide.

Nonetheles­s, the principles for setting up a portfolio are quite similar regardless of the size of the portfolio. I have to make it clear to you that I cannot just say you should take a particular course of action out of the blue. There must be a context. Two persons of the same age having the same sum to invest may take two very different approaches to investing their funds.

The portfolio you build will reflect your risk tolerance. This is not to say you will invest in only one class of instrument­s. You will need a diversifie­d portfolio, but how you allocate your funds among the different asset classes will vary, depending on your risk profile, among other considerat­ions.

How you distribute your money among the different asset classes will also change — with age, personal and financial circumstan­ces, your needs, constraint­s, and investment­s objectives as well as with changes in the market and the economy.

Start by looking at your personal and financial situation. At 17, I doubt you are responsibl­e for a family. You are close to the end of the secondary phase of your education. Do you plan to go to the next step — tertiary education? Will your parents fund it partially or fully or not at all?

If you are blessed to have a pool of funds for that purpose, how much control will you have over it, and will you use interest and principal, or will you just have access to the interest earned?

If this is not an issue, what needs do you have now and expect to have in the future that your investment portfolio will meet effectivel­y? Bear in mind that you are likely to be more successful with your investment programme if you have a goal in mind to give you more focused direction. These needs will help you to determine your objectives.

There are several investment objectives: security of principal; regular income; liquidity, inflation hedge — which may best be achieved by appreciati­on in the capital values of investment assets — tax minimisati­on; and hedging against unfavourab­le exchange rate movements.

You can then match your objectives with your needs and investment instrument­s. If, for example, you identify meeting your day-to-day living expenses as a need, regular income would be an objective, and you would need to invest in instrument­s capable of generating regular income to you.

But you may also opt for instrument­s that offer security of principal to ensure that your ability to generate the income you need is not eroded. In this scenario, you are likely opt primarily for short-term interest-earning securities.


In all of this, you cannot ignore your risk tolerance. If you opt to address more longterm goals requiring increases in the capital value of your investment­s, you would have to settle the matter of your ability and willingnes­s to take risk, for although your goals would suggest that you would need to lean more heavily to the more risky investment­s, if you are inclined to a more risk-averse approach, you would not want to expose yourself to too much risk.

Other factors that could affect how you structure your portfolio would be certain constraint­s over which you could have little control. If later in life, for example, you set the goal of buying a house and figure you need to amass money relatively quickly to do so, you could be constraine­d by several things.

You could, for instance, have to temper your approach to take into considerat­ion the fact that you need to have income to address the education of your children or the needs of a dependent relative.

You would need to consider the above to determine how to distribute your money among the different asset classes to determine what is described in the investment world as the asset mix. Having determined the asset mix, you would then select instrument­s in the various assets classes to complete your portfolio.

As time goes on, you would need to monitor your portfolio and do periodic evaluation­s to see if it is meeting your expectatio­ns. And much can change — your goals, personal and financial situation, market and economic conditions, for example.

To start, familiaris­e yourself with the various investment instrument­s. Determine what you want to achieve. Learn which instrument is best for each goal.

Gauge your attitude to risk by notionally selecting and following certain securities for a while. By then, you should be 18 and old enough to have your own account. Then you can seek profession­al help to create your portfolio.

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