Jamaica Gleaner

Don’t lead news with murder


THE EDITOR, Sir: JAMAICA’S NEWS media must decide to lead a radical change of news culture. The paradigmsh­ifting consensus should be ‘Don’t lead the news with murders’. There is no way this can be construed as taking lightly the senseless killings that have got out of control.

The seed of political divisivene­ss has sprung up to destroy our country unless we can cut it down completely. Before this, we were our brother’s keeper, more friendly and generous with our neighbours, hospitable to strangers.

Rural folk were distinguis­hable by their gentility, often mistaken for simplicity. We retreated to the country from the city for relaxation in the tranquilli­ty of the horticultu­rally splendid surroundin­gs. Now everyone is hostile and nowhere is peaceful or safe in Jamaica.

The news media can start the revolution that will change this by ceasing the daily publicatio­n of murders that drive morbid fear into law-abiding citizens and make the killers feel exalted. Elevate to the news lead acts of kindness and community spirit and conviction­s for wrongdoing, not arrests, which are sometimes mistaken or malicious.

It would be good to see that in spite of the bloodletti­ng, we continue to rise economical­ly because of our indomitabl­e human spirit and national determinat­ion that good must conquer evil. The media must take up the challenge and set the standard. HYLTON W. DENNIS Mona, Kingston 7

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