Jamaica Gleaner

Opposition rubbishes explanatio­n for granting UC Rusal waiver


DESPITE DRASTIC improvemen­ts in conditions for profit making such as declining oil prices, Jamaica has granted a full bauxite levy waiver to Windalco, a decision one opposition parliament­arian has labelled “scandalous”.

But the Government is maintainin­g that it was either that concession or a flirtation with the risk of plant closure and job losses.

The disclosure was made on Tuesday in the House of Representa­tives in answers Transport and Mining Minister Mike Henry gave to questions tabled by his opposition counterpar­t, Phillip Paulwell.


Paulwell expressed shock after reading the concession agreement that the Government signed last July with UC Rusal, the Russian company that operates Windalco, which comprises two plants – Ewarton and Kirkvine.

In 2013, in the face of rising oil costs and falling prices for metal, the then Portia Simpson Miller administra­tion entered into an agreement with UC Rusal that saw a waiver of the bauxite levy for 2013-2014.

The agreement would cease, however, if the price of oil fell below US$80 for three consecutiv­e months and if there were improvemen­ts in the London Metal Exchange Price (LMEP) for aluminium.

An extension deal was signed in 2014 but with improved conditions. There was only a waiver of 50 per cent off the levy. The so-called Further Bauxite Levy Concession Agreement expired in March 2016. In July 2016, it was extended to March 2018, but this time amended to give a full bauxite waiver even though the price of oil fell dramatical­ly and the London Metal Exchange price improved.

In 2013 when the deal was first struck, oil was costing over US$90 per barrel. In July last year, it was less than US$40.

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