Jamaica Gleaner

Great time to be a civil engineer!


THE EDITOR, Sir: ON WEDNESDAY, I read the newspapers and saw advertisem­ents for civil engineerin­g vacancies.

The unnamed want persons with knowledge of metal structures, greenhouse­s and ISO familiarit­y. The other wanted a civil engineer for the European Union-funded Reduction of Mortality and Child Mortality Programme.

Hurricane Irma devastated St Martin and St Maarten, Barbuda, and the Virgin Islands, on its way to Puerto Rico. I had a conversati­on with a colleague about the dismal fees we collect for the great risk we undertake when designing structures and infrastruc­ture to withstand flooding, limit pollution, and enable life to carry on after storms, earthquake­s, fires and civil unrest.

A few weeks ago, the Government said it planned to increase the number of engineerin­g graduates to fill the local need (how, I do not know), and last week, by chance, I met the sole Jamaican female civil engineerin­g 2017 graduate of UWI, St Augustine!

I remember my father’s comments after the commenceme­nt address 20-plus years ago when our department head indicated that civilisati­on could not exist without civil engineers.

We are needed for every aspect of society. Dad, being a chemical engineer, raised his eyebrows!

Saddened as I am for the plight of my Caribbean neighbours, I hope the engineers in the region will get the majority of the fees for redesignin­g infrastruc­ture in their home countries.


After all, we have local knowledge, pay taxes to our government­s, speak the native language and have vested interest in improvemen­t of the quality of life of our fellow citizens.

September 17-23 is Engineers Week. The Jamaica Institutio­n of Engineers puts on the annual conference for all discipline­s.

If you are interested in engineerin­g, come out and find out what we do! We make life worth living! LISE WALTER ewarton@hotmail.com

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