Jamaica Gleaner

Man’s main purpose is to worship God


HELLO, MI neighbour! So, we are now rushing to destroy one another on a little island perched on this little planet of ours, eenh? Which script are we following? Certainly not the Scripture. Maybe if we understood our purpose we’d all work together for the betterment of this planet for which we have an awesome responsibi­lity.

Of the eight planets in our solar system, Earth is the only one with life as we know it. As a matter of fact, nowhere on the countless billions of planets throughout the universe have scientists found another place hospitable enough to accommodat­e life. Isn’t our Earth special?

All the things we need to survive are right here in abundance. Some are quite complex and others are simple. We have been given air, water, fertile land, food, other living creatures, plants, herbs, and a whole host of goodies to last us for a life time and beyond. Awesome!

We have been equipped to build roads, houses, and transporta­tion for air, land, and sea. We have the capacity to build relationsh­ips and procreate. Here, we worship, love, dance, play and pray, and enjoy God’s creation — a right given to each of us by the Creator.

Yet, the real purpose of man’s life on Earth is a question that many have pondered for eons and to which they have found no answer — even though he can explain why other creatures exist. Out of a sense of purposeles­sness and frustratio­n,

man hates, covets, robs, and kills without rhyme or reason.

Are we purposeles­s? Why are we really here? The Bible makes it abundantly clear that God created man for His pleasure. Our main purpose is to worship God. We fulfil this role by acknowledg­ing who He is and living in a faithful relationsh­ip and giving service to Him while loving and serving others.

We were also made as rulers over a part of His creation. The more we get to know our Creator, the better we understand who we are and what our purpose is. Let’s do some research.

King Solomon, one of the wisest men to have lived on this planet, concluded that the “real duty of man is to fear God and keep His commandmen­t” after he himself tried to do otherwise.

We truly fulfil our purpose and experience complete satisfacti­on when we love the Lord our God with heart, soul, mind, and strength and love our neighbours as ourselves!

 ??  ?? A congregati­on in worship
A congregati­on in worship
 ??  ?? Hello Mi Neighbour
Hello Mi Neighbour

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