Jamaica Gleaner


The following events took place on October 3 in the years identified:


1968:Services Mutual Housing

Limited, a non-profit, non-government­al company, limited by guarantee and not having a share capital, is officially launched by Minister of Housing Wilton Hill. The company is to encourage the organisati­on and operation of housing cooperativ­es and will promote, develop and assist cooperativ­e housing projects of all kinds in all parts of the country. In launching the company, Mr Hill says he is “deeply interested in any exercise and any organisati­on that is to provide housing to the really low income sector of the Jamaican society because slums are a scourge on the on the face of the nation”. 1978:Cornwall

Dairy Developmen­t Company is due to commence operation early November 1978. This is announced in the House of Representa­tives by the Parliament­ary Secretary in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Leslie Birch, as he makes his contributi­on to the Budget Debate. The plant, which is designed to produce some 25,000 litres of milk on an eight hour shift, will at first produce 16,000 litres. The minister announces that in addition to milk and milk products, the plant will also produce ice cream, chocolate drinks and fruit juices. Direct employment will be for about 80 persons, but a large spin off in employment is expected on farms and in distributi­on. 1978: Bakeries throughout

the island continue to feel the effect of a 50 per cent drop in flour supplies, which has forced a cutback in baking operations. Several bakeries have been closed and reopened on various occasions, depending on when the supplies of flour reach them. All the bakers are affected. The island supervisor of the Bustamante Industrial Trade Union, Mr Lascelles Beckford, sends a letter to the Master Bakers Associatio­n’s president, Mr Trevor Ferguson, protesting the decision to lay off workers whenever flour runs out.Mr Beckford writes: “If there is a problem in the bakery industry regarding the allotment of flour, then your associatio­n must take up this matter with the proper authoritie­s before making any decision to lay off workers. – The Gleaner Writer

Today’s Gem

“We are all children in the Kindergart­en of God.” – Elbert Hubbard

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