Jamaica Gleaner

The dark side of CALCIUM

- You may email Dry, Vendryes at tonyvendry­es@gmail.com or listen to ‘An Ounce of Prevention’ on POWER106FM on Fridays at 9:00pm. Visit www.tonyvendry­es.com for details on his books and articles.

CALCIUM IS the most abundant mineral in the body, serving many vital functions, including circulator­y and muscular activity, nerve conduction and hormonal secretion. Calcium is critical to our body’s structure and function, with 99 per cent of your calcium being stored in the bones and teeth.

Calcium is one of the most widely promoted dietary supplement­s. Women, for example, are constantly being advised by the media to take calcium tablets and to consume more calcium-rich foods, especially dairy.

Calcium can be toxic

As explained earlier, most of the calcium in the body is found in the bones and teeth. However, as we age, there is an ongoing tendency for calcium to leave the skeleton and move into the soft tissues. This process called calcificat­ion, promotes disease and premature ageing, as excess calcium inside the cells is toxic. Calcium belongs mostly in the bones and outside the cells.

Calcium accumulati­on in the walls of blood vessels leads to hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure. Calciuminf­iltrated plaques can block blood vessels and lead to heart attacks and strokes. Heart specialist­s use special tests to determine the amount of extra calcium in the heart (a calcium score). The higher your calcium score, the greater your risk of a heart attack. In fact, research has suggested that people taking calcium supplement­s only were about twice as likely to have a heart attack. Other specialist­s look for the presence of excess calcium in the female breast as this may indicate breast cancer.

Magnesium balances calcium

Doctors involved in nutritiona­l medicine have long known that supplement­ing with calcium alone is not wise. It should always be combined with magnesium. This is because magnesium is nature’s calcium channel blocker. There are actually channels or pathways through which calcium travels to enter into the cells. The mineral magnesium regulates those channels and prevents excess calcium from getting into the soft tissues. Magnesium deficiency can elevate calcium in cells and tissues to unhealthy levels. I am amazed at the widespread prescribin­g of expensive and often dangerous calcium channelblo­cking drugs for the treatment of high blood pressure and heart disease without any attention to nature’s simple option. If unbalanced, calcium supplement­s do increase heart attack and stroke risk, it has a lot to do with magnesium deficiency. The US Department of Agricultur­e reports that almost half of the American public suffers from inadequate magnesium intake. So when taking calcium supplement­s, combine it generously with magnesium and eat magnesium-rich foods.

Calcium needs Vitamin D

But the calcium we consume in our diet or in supplement­s depends heavily to vitamin D for its absorption. If you are deficient in the sunshine vitamin, all the calcium you take will not get absorbed and get to your bones to fortify them. Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin because our greatest source of it comes from the sun. When sunshine strikes your skin it converts cholestero­l in the skin cells into vitamin D. A lack of vitamin D makes your bones brittle and painful. Indeed, you will tend to feel aches and pains all over. Extra daily direct sunshine with enough calcium rich foods will correct that problem

The Vitamin K2 connection

Nature has another tool to keep excess calcium out of your arteries and tissues – vitamin K2, a form of vitamin K in the diet that provides vitamin K1and bacteria in the colon convert K1 into K2. Our modern diet, however, provides little vitamin K and most older people now suffer calcificat­ion of their brain, glands, heart valves, and arteries. Vitamin K causes bones to retain calcium while locking it out of the cells of tissues and walls of the arteries. People with the higher levels of vitamin K2 cut their risk of dying from heart disease or stroke by over 50 per cent. Those with blocked arteries and damaged heart valves have low vitamin K2 levels. Taking vitamin K2 reduced fractures by over 80 per cent in women.

Calcium-rich foods

There are several excellent food sources of calcium aside from dairy. These include: seeds, sardines, and tinned salmon, beans and lentils, almonds, green leafy vegetables, fortified foods and drinks e.g., some cereals and boxed orange juice, soy milk, tofu and Edamame. Dairy sources include milk, cheese, yoghurt, and whey protein.

An alternativ­e medical therapy called chelation therapy is a very effective way to remove excess calcium from our tissues and blood vessels.

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