Jamaica Gleaner

Am I grieving correctly?

- Email: editor@gleanerjm.com

QThere are family and friends who are questionin­g how I am grieving over my wife. We were happily married. Our business was holding its own. We communicat­ed well. We enjoyed each other’s company. We went many places together. We had plans for the future. Then, suddenly and tragically, she was taken from us in the dead of the night. I did not go to see the mangled body, neither did I go to the autopsy. Some people are claiming that I did not love her and that is why I did not look at the dead body. Others say I should look at her as a part of the grieving process. I just wanted to remember her alive. I did not even view the body at the church. I cried during the funeral service, but nobody saw. Some are claiming that I am bottling things up and I need to do a big ‘bawl-out’. However, when my son was crying uncontroll­ably, everybody was telling him to ‘man-up’ and stop the crying. I am confused. In addition, some of her relatives are wanting to know what she died leaving because she did not leave a will and they want the female stuff, since it is only my son and me. Some are looking for handouts. What should I do and what should I say?

AYou should ignore them and grieve in your own way and at your own pace. If it works for you that you did not look at her dead body, then fine. Your avoidance of viewing her dead body could, however, mean that you are in denial that your wife is dead. But nothing is wrong with you wanting to dwell on pleasant memories. In any case, you have cried and let out some of the pain. Grieving is a process and you will go through different stages and express varied emotions. In addition, allow your son to express his emotions. Protect him as far as possible from negative people.

The relatives are most insensitiv­e in expecting financial reward from your wife’s death. They should be handing you money to take care of funeral expenses and the costs associated with raising your child as a single parent.

I hope you have good support to counter these negative people. Condolence­s to you and your son.

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