Jamaica Gleaner

What type of friend are you?


SIMPLE DECISIONS and basic attitudes are telltale signs that indicate the type of friend you are. Take the quiz to find out!

1) Which best describes you? a) Silly b) Homebody c) Quiet

2) What do you love to be doing on a Friday night? (a) Out having fun (b) Home watching a movie or reading a book (c) Doing whatever my friends are doing

3) Your friend calls you crying, what do you do? (a) Drop everything and go to him or her (b) Calm him or her down in order to find out what’s wrong (c) Call another friend

4) Are you involved in a lot of extracurri­cular activities? (a) Yes (b) Just one (c) None at all

5) What do you do when you are having a problem? (a) Go at it with all my strength but seek help if I need it (b) Think about the best plan of action and take it (c) Not tell anyone

6) Which is in contrast to your personalit­y? (a) Easy-going (b) Quiet (c) Silly

Mostly As: The ‘life’s a party’ friend

You are the most entertaini­ng friend anyone can have. You are the life of every party and you light up every room you enter. There is no such thing as a dull moment around you. You are extremely loyal and although you’re always joking around and having a ball, you don’t play when it comes on to your friends. Mostly Bs: The motherly friend

You are the ‘mom’ of your friend group. You are the one everyone looks to for advice. When you all go out, you are the one making sure everyone is OK and you’re always prepared for any and everything. You are a definite asset to your friends.

Mostly Cs: The super ‘chill’ friend

You aren’t exactly a social butterfly, but your friends don’t care, they are happy to drag you along to every event they attend. You’re super quiet and nothing gets to you that much. While most people find you hard to read, you are quite transparen­t to your friends. Everyone loves you and sees you as someone to protect, and you don’t mind at all.

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