Jamaica Gleaner



FRIENDSHIP­S SHOULD never be allowed to stall or become stagnant. Friends should always seek out new challenges and adventures that can strengthen their bond in every way. Xandria Stennett and Oneica McKormack say that putting their friendship to the test is the most exciting challenge of them all. They do exactly that in this week's Face-Off.

The scale 5/5 – Inseparabl­e 3-4/5 – Good Friends 1-2/5 – Friends

Xandria's school: St Jago High Oneica's school: St Jago High

Youthkink (YL): Who is your best friend's favourite movie/cartoon/television show character?

Xandria: Spongebob, no doubt; same

for me. Oneica: Spongebob for us both.

YL: If your best friend were a character in Empire, who would she be?

Xandria: She would be ‘Cookie,’ I would be ‘Rhonda.’

Oneica: I would be ‘Cookie, she would be Rhonda.

YL: Name two songs that describe your best friend perfectly.

Xandria: For her, Pound the Alarm by Nicki Minaj, and Happy by Pharrell Williams.

She would be ‘Cookie,’ I would be ‘Rhonda.’

I would be ‘Cookie,’ she would be ‘Rhonda.’

Oneica: Tik Tok by Kesha and Chandelier by Sia.

YL: If you ruled the world for a day, what would you do?

Xandria: I would get a lot of food and invite friends and less-fortunate people and have a party. Whatever Oneica says will have something to do with chicken.

Oneica: I would invade every KFC. I am not sure what Xandria would do.

YL: What is one thing your best friend has said to you that you will never forget?

Xandria: She once said, "Every day is a new day"; that has always stuck with me. Oneica: She told me that she will be leaving, and that I will never forget.

Total: 5/5 Position on the Scale: Inseparabl­e

These girls have had a successful little challenge. It is clear they have a bond like no other. We should all strive to have such a friendship. It may take a while to happen but once it does, the benefits are more than worth it.

If you and your friend are interested in taking part in Face-Off, contact

shannon.amoy@gmail.com to be in the next issue.

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