Jamaica Gleaner

Pregnancy is not disease

- The Rev Peter Espeut is a sociologis­t and Roman Catholic deacon. Email feedback to columns@gleanerjm.com. Peter Espeut

NOWADAYS, TALK of abortion falls under the heading of ‘sexual and reproducti­ve health’, as if pregnancy is a disease to be cured, or a tumour to be excised. On the contrary, pregnancy is a sign that a woman’s body is in working order – a sign of good sexual and reproducti­ve health.

Women (and men) often seek abortions because of an inconvenie­nt pregnancy and only rarely because of health issues. The effort to brand abortion as a routine ‘remedy’ for pregnancy is but one of the propaganda tools employed by those with a libertaria­n agenda who seek to assist persons to avoid the consequenc­es of, and responsibi­lity for, their sexual actions.

On Monday, November 7, The Gleaner published an editorial titled ‘Time to legalise abortion’ laced with fallacies and flawed logic – libertaria­n propaganda which I cannot allow to go unchalleng­ed.

“As this newspaper has argued before,” read the editorial, “it shouldn’t be anyone’s business if a woman decides to end a pregnancy, if the procedure is done by qualified health profession­als; that the terminatio­n happens within a defined time frame establishe­d on the basis of safety and scientific evidence related to when a foetus is viable; and once the woman has received counsellin­g.”

And so abortion is presented, not as the taking of human life, but as a decision “to end a pregnancy”. The editor well knows that the morality or immorality of abortion rests on the question of when human life begins, for he writes: “The fundamenta­lists will make loud, unscientif­ic claims of life-at-conception and of the personhood of the foetus and try to conflate religious morality with obligation­s of a secular state.”

The editor, seemingly, has resolved this question to his satisfacti­on, for he believes that the foetus becomes a human being only when it is viable, when it could live on its own outside the womb; until then, it is to be considered non-human – without the right to life – and may be killed if the mother chooses.

The scientific claim is that the foetus is human life because each cell contains 46 chromosome­s from the moment of conception, the same number in your cells and mine. The editor’s loud, unscientif­ic claim that life begins at viability is devoid of logic. Even after a baby is born, it cannot survive on its own, and must depend on its mother for the food and other necessitie­s it received from her while in the womb.

If this viability argument is valid, it opens the door to euthanasia, for patients on life support would have no right to life; nor do the severely handicappe­d, nor the aged who cannot look after themselves. The editor’s loud, unscientif­ic claim that life begins at viability is to be rejected because it cannot stand up to scrutiny.

Doubt is further cast on the editor’s scientific literacy by the following:

“The laws that govern reproducti­ve health don’t serve women well, not least for the fact they impinge on the right of women to control their own bodies ... . As it is now, the law removes from all women the right and freedom of choice and the fundamenta­l right to their own bodies.”


A foetus may be located within the woman’s body, but it is not part of it; the blood of the mother and the baby do not mix at any point (they may, in fact, be incompatib­le), and the child has different DNA from both parents. If a woman has a right over her own body, that does not include the foetus growing inside her, which is not part of her body. The editor’s attempt at morality by sloganeeri­ng is naïve and unscientif­ic.

And now for the editor’s most naïve and trite statement:

“It would be an easily winnable bet, we believe, that most of the women who found themselves at Victoria Jubilee with abortionre­lated complicati­ons are from the lower socio-economic strata.”

Surely, the editor must know that almost all the women (and men) who turn up at the KPH or Jubilee for any disease or complicati­on “are from the lower socio-economic strata”. Yet the editor uses this fact to argue that Jamaica’s antiaborti­on laws are discrimina­tory. The editor argues:

“For, while abortion is illegal, it is largely accessible in a safe environmen­t to welleducat­ed middle – and upperclass women who can afford to pay health profession­als. They are unlikely to end up at Victoria Jubilee.”

The Gleaner editor accuses the private-health sector of providing safe illegal abortions uptown for the well-to-do, and argues that, therefore, the poor should be allowed to get safe legal ones downtown.

In Jamaica, our discourse often lacks clear and critical thinking. I expect better of the editor of The Gleaner.

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