Jamaica Gleaner

Cancel Dom Rep trade seminar


An open letter to the BIDC.

ITHE EDITOR, Sir: T HAS recently been drawn to the attention of the officers and members of the Clement Payne Movement that on Monday, November 27, 2017, our state-owned Barbados Investment and Developmen­t Corporatio­n (BIDC) will be hosting a trade seminar titled ‘Doing Business in the Dominican Republic’, devoted to encouragin­g Barbadian trade with and investment in the Dominican Republic.

Furthermor­e, it is our understand­ing that this trade seminar is scheduled to be held at BIDC headquarte­rs in Bridgetown and is expected to feature trade specialist­s from the Dominican Republic.

The Clement Payne Movement is totally opposed to the BIDC hosting any such trade seminar on behalf of the Dominican Republic, and is calling upon the BIDC to immediatel­y cancel the said seminar.

Indeed, we wish to remind the BIDC that the government of the Dominican Republic is currently engaged in a racist anti-black mass deportatio­n programme against hundreds of thousand of black Dominicans of Haitian ancestry, and that the political leadership of our Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has denounced this exercise as state-sponsored criminalit­y. In addition, several Caribbean civil society organisati­ons, inclusive of the Caribbean Pan-African Network and our Clement Payne Movement of Barbados, have issued calls for a Caribbean-wide boycott of the Dominican Republic as a punitive strategy to bring home to the government of the Dominican Republic that the government­s and people of CARICOM will not tolerate any manifestat­ion of anti-black or anti-African racism and discrimina­tion.

The time has come for us to say enough is enough. The people of Haiti have suffered oppression and discrimina­tion for far too long.

We have also had too many centuries and too many manifestat­ions of anti-black racism. It must all stop now. Let us do what is necessary in this case to demonstrat­e an attitude of zero tolerance of all manifestat­ions of antiblack racism. DAVID COMISSIONG President clementpay­nechambers@gmail.com

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