Jamaica Gleaner

I apologise for reaction to asinine assault


THE EDITOR, Sir: This is an open letter to Delroy Williams, mayor of Kingston and chairman of the Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporatio­n.

ON TUESDAY of this week, during the scheduled meeting of the Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporatio­n (KSAMC), two councillor­s from the governing Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) made derogatory and unbecoming remarks in relation to the People’s National Party (PNP).

The records may confirm that one JLP councillor, Duane Smith, without evidential basis, singled out a PNP councillor from a different municipal corporatio­n as being responsibl­e for bringing guns into the country, while another, Susan Senior, proposed to blame the political organisati­on of which I am a part for the high crime rate in Jamaica.

Senior also made false and derogatory remarks about my father, a former Cabinet minister and erstwhile member of parliament for St Andrew South East, Easton Douglas.

Chairman, the records will also reflect that I responded strongly in an attempt to cause the asinine and defamatory comments made by the two JLP councillor­s to be immediatel­y withdrawn, and the offence caused remedied with alacrity.

I am regretful and indeed apologise to you and the corporatio­n for the fact that during this thrust, and in response to the reckless provocatio­n, my tone and approach to achieving redress were not appropriat­e.

I further avail myself of the opportunit­y to renew to you and the institutio­n that is the KSAMC, the assurance of my highest considerat­ion.


 ??  ?? Duane Smith
Duane Smith

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