Jamaica Gleaner

EU imposes sanctions on senior Venezuelan officials


THE EUROPEAN Union imposed economic and travel sanctions Monday on seven senior Venezuelan officials accused of human rights abuses or breaching the rule of law in the crisis-ridden country.

The move comes after United States authoritie­s levied sanctions against dozens of Venezuela’s leaders, including President Nicolás Maduro, and was adopted “as the political, social and economic situation in Venezuela continues to deteriorat­e,” EU headquarte­rs said in a statement.

The targeted officials rejected the sanctions announced the same day that students at a university in the capital of Caracas clashed with police.

The most prominent official on the European list is Diosdado Cabello, the head of Venezuela’s ruling socialist party who is considered to be the nation’s second-most powerful leader. Cabello has not been targeted by US sanctions.

Other officials on the list include Tarek William Saab, Venezuela’s attorney general; interior minister Nestor Luis Reverol; Supreme Court president Maikel Jose Moreno; National Guard Commander Antonio Jose Benavides; elections chief Tibisay Lucena Ramirez; and head of the national intelligen­ce agency Gustavo Enrique Gonzalez.

The EU officials said those sanctioned “are involved in the nonrespect of democratic principles or the rule of law as well as in the violation of human rights.” They will have their assets frozen and be banned from travelling in Europe.

In a broadcast on state television, communicat­ions minister Jorge Rodriguez rejected the sanctions by the “elite” in Europe against Venezuelan­s he called honourable and decent “patriots.”

“Venezuelan democracy is solid,” he said. “There’s no country that exercises it as fully as Venezuela.”

Venezuela was once one of Latin America’s wealthiest countries, sitting atop the world’s largest oil reserves. Mismanagem­ent and a recent drop in global oil prices have left it in a deepening economic and political crisis, marked by shortages of food and medicine.

The US Treasury Department has sanctioned 51 Venezuelan officials, including four current and former military officers, in an attempt to weaken Maduro’s grip on power.

Dozens of students at Central University of Venezuela threw stones and gasolene bombs Monday at police in riot gear, who returned the aggression firing rubber bullets and tear gas.

A student, who covered his face, said they were protesting the death of Oscar Perez, a rebel police officer who called for an uprising against Maduro’s government. Perez, 36, was killed a week earlier with six others in a clash with government security forces.

“The politician­s abandoned us,” the masked student said. “They literally left us here and we have to fight for what we truly believe – for the conviction of our country’s freedom.”

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