Jamaica Gleaner

Rev Billy Graham’s greatest sin



WHEN BILLY Graham stands before the judgement seat of God, he may finally realise how badly he failed his country and, perhaps, his God. On civil rights and the environmen­tal crisis, the most impor tant issues of his lifetime, he championed the wrong policies.

Graham was on the wrong side of history.

For Graham, the Bible had a clear message for Christians living in what he believed were humans’ last days on Ear th. Individual­s alone can achieve salvation; government­s cannot. Conversion­s change behaviours; federal policies do not.

These conviction­s shaped the evangelist’s views on civil rights.

In the l ate 1950s, Graham integrated his revivals and seemed to support the burgeoning civil-rights movement. This is the Graham most Americans remember.

But as the movement grew, expanded, and became increasing­ly confrontat­ional, the evangelist’s position changed.

Once leaders like Martin Luther King Jr began practising civil disobedien­ce and asking for the federal government t o guarantee African-Americans’ rights, Graham’s support evaporated.

He criticised civil-rights activists for focusing on changing laws rather than hearts.

Graham had the opportunit­y to lead fundamenta­lists into a new era. He could have pushed them to take social reform seriously as a God-given mandate to save the world from environmen­tal destructio­n. He could have tackled racism, America’s original sin, by championin­g the federal government’s aggressive civilright­s policies.

He had good intentions as his work desegregat­ing his crusades demonstrat­ed. But when his influence really would have counted, when he could have effected real change, real social transforma­tion, he was too locked into last-days fearmonger­ing to recognise the potential of the State to do good.

ROOPLALL DUDHNATH dudroops@yahoo.com

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