Jamaica Gleaner

God-approved discrimina­tion?

Societies struggle with the caste system

- ■ Dr Glenville Ashby is the author of the newly released, The Mystical Qigong Handbook for Good Health.Feedback: glenvillea­shby@gmail.com or follow him on Twitter@glenvillea­shby. Dr Glenville Ashby Contributo­r

AS I approached the Kali Temple in Tacarigua, Trinidad, I was hesitant, mindful that I would be one of the few, if not the only, Afro-Trinidadia­n there.

Maybe I was being selfconsci­ous, but in my early 20s, I had heard enough canards of the seething racial divide between blacks and Indians. Although the distrust never ruptured into all-out clashes, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of uneasiness when I was introduced to the temple’s pundit.

The pundit was a very darkskinne­d, robust, rotund man. He was engaging, affable, and with aplomb. He was a legend, a man renowned for working miracles. “I would teach you everything you want to learn, in the same way I teach my sons,” he said.

Then, he uttered a few telling words that spoke volumes of race, colour, and caste in the Caribbean. “No Brahmin will ever teach you because of your race. I will, because I am darkskinne­d and understand racism in my own Indian community.” Decades later, these words have remained close to my bosom.

Days later, I was further unglued by my friend’s anguish. He was Indo-Trinidadia­n. His angst was palpable as his amorous overtures were spurned by a woman who claimed to be a Brahmin, the highest caste. My friend’s surname gave him away. He was no Brahmin.


While caste is downplayed, for the most part, in the Caribbean, in India it remains a stain on the conscience of a society which is on the cusp of modernity and superpower status. The economic and social impact of the caste system is self-explanator­y. Its psychologi­cal effects are painfully enduring.

Of this social pathology, A. Ramaiah writes in his provocativ­e article, ‘Dalits’ Physical and Mental Health: Status, Root Causes and Challenges’ß:

“[S]uch a notion of inferiorit­y or superiorit­y of individual­s, of one caste over the individual­s of another, is not based on any objective or empirical reality. The members of the upper caste had nothing tangible to qualify their claim as upper castes, and similarly the members of the lower castes had nothing tangible to prove their given lower caste status.

“Yet, both t he upper and lower castes continued to believe in their given ... status as true and unshakeabl­e. This unshakeabl­e belief that the caste system created in the minds of members of every caste which is not based on objective reality is considered t o be a mental illness in the field of psychology (that is) called-delusion which in the present context may be called cast-delusion.”

According to Hindu lore, the caste structure is a predestine­d reality; that one is born into a particular caste based on past deeds. Karma is, therefore, an irrevocabl­e determinan­t.

At the pinnacle of this stratifica­tion is the Brahmin – a privileged caste – the very head of society comprising priests, holy men, and scholars, said to be the voice of God, the epitome of virtue, reason, and ethics.

They are followed by the

Kshatriyas (also called Rajanyas, who are rulers, administra­tors and warriors), the

Vaishyas (artisans, merchants, tradesmen and farmers), and

Shudras (labouring classes). The untouchabl­es or Dalits are classless, the victims of discrimina­tion and even violence.

Trinidad-born pundit, Rakesh Maharaj, resides in Queens, New York. He is measured and learnt in Hindu sciences and I have always sought his counsel on religious matters.

On the troubling subject of caste, Pundit Maharaj concedes that ostracism of Dalits, or untouchabl­es, is not sanctioned by the Holy Books of Hinduism and that caste and hierarchy as mentioned in these scriptures have been coloured by culture, political greed, and personal interpreta­tion.

While Pundit Maharaj upholds that Brahmins have earned their position due to their spiritual wisdom, he states that every social stratum is a reflection of God’s all-encompassi­ng make-up.

“No one is outside the parameters of t he divine – humankind, nature, animals, the cosmos – everything ... so to discrimina­te against any one group is never sanctioned by the scriptures. The universe is God; collective­ly, all form of life is God personifie­d.”

Pundit Maharaj describes Brahmins as historical­ly ritualisti­c, sagacious, and versed in science, politics, mathematic­s, and astrology.


Kings and officials in society sent their children to learn from this class. Overtime, he says, sacred teachings were “bastardise­d” and twisted.

Pundit Maharaj believes that the hold that caste once had in Indian society is gradually loosening. “It’s more evident in rural areas,” he notes. “The language and culture in the south is different to what is experience­d in the north, for example, northerner­s speak Hindi and Sanskrit, while southerner­s speak Tulug.

Indeed, with globalisat­ion, access to education, migration, government support, and the growing clout of human-rights organisati­ons, the fortunes of untouchabl­es are gradually changing.

Still, the process is grindingly slow. Customs and behaviours do not change overnight, especially when they threaten religious-political power and the status quo.

Not unexpected­ly, the caste system left its mark on the diaspora where Indians were brought as indentured servants after the manumissio­n of African slaves.

“While it is true that some in the Caribbean still give credence to caste, it’s difficult to determine the true caste of Hindus,” says Pundit Rakesh.

“It is insufficie­nt to use one’s surname to prove one’s caste. For example, a Brahmin is determined by lineage. Key questions must be answered: Was there a pundit in your ancestry? Who was your guru and godfather? There must be extensive research to ascertain the validity and authentici­ty of one’s lineage.”

Still, many claim to be Brahmins because of stature and monetary rewards.

And of Dalits – the untouchabl­es, Pundit Maharaj asserts, “You can’t be born an untouchabl­e because of karma. Life is cyclical. If you study the principles of reincarnat­ion, a Brahmin in this life does not guarantee the same position in the next incarnatio­n.”

And while Pundit Rakesh rejects that race and colour do not dictate one’s caste, I cannot help but think that during the British Raj (when the Crown ruled the Indian subcontine­nt between 1858 and 1947), that colour, race, and caste had become almost indistingu­ishable.

Editors’ Note: In the Religion & Culture article, ‘Truths cannot be silenced!’ – Jamaican psychologi­st talks religion, spirituali­ty, and her personal journey, published last Sunday, it was not clear that Audeya Fuller does not embrace mysticism, neither does the book In Light of Truth: Grail Message.

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