Jamaica Gleaner

“The next police chief can’t be a novice,” warns Mark Shields, as he argues that the editorial board of this newspaper has been stretching the speculatio­n to the ridiculous about who should replace George Quallo.

- ■ Mark Shields is a security consultant and former deputy commission­er of police. Email feedback to columns@gleanerjm.com and mark@shieldscsc.com.

INCE GEORGE Quallo resigned as Jamaica’s commission­er of police in January, there has been the familiar round of speculatio­n by the media and various individual­s on who should be Mr Quallo’s successor.

Perhaps because of the frequency of appointmen­ts and resignatio­ns of the top cop and the staggering increase in murders, allegation­s of police corruption and operationa­l blunders such as the Christmas Palisadoes road fiasco when thousands of people were left stranded on their way to and from Norman Manley Internatio­nal Airport, this conjecture becomes a speculativ­e frenzy. We hear loud calls for the reinstatem­ent of long-retired senior officers whose methods failed previously and are even more likely to crash and burn now. Previously, we heard calls for several Jamaicans with no policing experience to be considered for the post of commission­er. These include Danville Walker, a former Jamaica Customs chief, and Greg Christie, a former contractor general, among others.

But in the last few weeks, I’ve noticed that the editorial board of this newspaper has really been stretching the speculatio­n to ridiculous extremes. Three weeks ago, the editorial called for the well-respected businessma­n and former co-chair of EPOC, Richard Byles; to be commission­er. And, on February 18, 2018, in another PAUL SCOTT


article, the respected businessma­n and former president of the PSOJ, Paul B. Scott, was also propped up. The suggestion was made that he should put his business career on hold and “throw his hat in the ring” for commission­er of police.

Although I appreciate the reasons behind this state of frustratio­n and desperatio­n, it seems to have escaped the editorial board that neither Mr Byles nor Mr Scott has had any experience of either strategic or operationa­l policing. I compare these ludicrous recommenda­tions to suggesting that General Antony Anderson, the national security adviser and former JDF chief of defence staff, be considered for the post of governor of the Bank of Jamaica.

Implicit in The Gleaner’s editorials is the warped perception that regardless of a lack of previous policing experience, literally anyone with leadership and management skills, notwithsta­nding a completely different profession­al background, can step into the post of commission­er and succeed.

This perception is a fallacy because a commission­er must be able to immediatel­y secure the respect of his men and women by demonstrat­ing a broad understand­ing of policing at a strategic level.

It is already accepted that the JCF will resist outsiders, but an outsider with absolutely no experience is hardly a recipe for internal support and sustained crime reduction. How on earth could one of these captains of commerce and industry credibly question operationa­l decisions and add value to a strategic policing plan or even provide credible advice on a day-to-day level when dealing with a critical incident of national importance?

Although the commission­er will be supported by in-house experts, he or she should have a basic understand­ing of the many laws that guide the actions of men and women in the force. A commission­er should have more than a cursory working knowledge of those laws so as to guide the JCF within a legal framework. The commission­er must be able to hit the ground running, and clearly, however talented a business leader may be, this would not end well.

It is evident that what the

country needs right now is a highly experience­d senior officer with a proven track record for managing a police service at a senior level, prepared to display visible leadership skills and make tough strategic decisions to shape the way forward for the JCF. It is my opinion that unless a person with a curriculum vitae that reflects those skills is found, regardless of success in other fields outside modern policing, any candidate will be unable to earn the trust and confidence of the JCF and the citizens of Jamaica.

If this person is identified and appointed, he or she can begin the process of finding serving

JCF police officers with potential for high rank. As I proposed in my 10-point plan for the commission­er, published in this newspaper in January, send them to Canada, the United Kingdom, and United States to gain the strategic leadership skills that are urgently required to transform the JCF, as well as create a pool of potential commission­ers of the future.

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Mark Shields

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