Jamaica Gleaner


11 long-term health effects of alcohol you need to know

- Yourhealth@gleanerjm.com

WHILE DRINKING moderate amounts of alcohol (defined as up to one drink per day for women or up to two for men) has been shown to have some positive health effects, especially on heart health, regularly having more than that can be detrimenta­l to your health, noted Robert Duhaney, MD, an internist with Texas Health Plano.

In fact, regularly downing a bottle of wine with dinner or indulging in multiple rounds at happy hour can cause serious harm – now and later down the road, too.

Here’s a look at 11 health conditions that heavy drinkers are more likely to get.


Drinking may make you feel good at first, but as your body breaks down the chemicals found in alcohol, the balance of mood-stabilisin­g neurotrans­mitters in your brain can get disrupted, noted Ray Lebeda, MD, a family medicine specialist with Orlando Health Physician Associates.

In the short term, this can cause your mood to drop. And over time, it actually causes your brain cells to shrink, which can trigger problems like depression, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).


One of the simplest ways to keep your weight in check is by not drinking too much. Studies show that alcohol intake can be a risk factor for obesity, especially when you regularly have a lot of it. For most persons, alcohol is just a source of excess calories. Experts know that when we drink, we don’t usually compensate by eating less. Plus, even a few drinks can lower your inhibition – prompting you to eat more than you otherwise would if you were sober, research suggests.


Off-kilter neurotrans­mitters don’t just mess with your mood. They can lead to short-term memory loss (think booze-induced blackouts) and long-term cognitive problems, including dementia, NIAAA experts warn. A major French study that looked at more than one million adults found that, among the 57,000 cases of early onset dementia, nearly 60 per cent were related to chronic heavy drinking.


It is the liver’s job to metabolise nutrients from the things we eat and drink. But having too much booze at once overloads the liver, causing fat to build up. “The excess fat is stored in the liver cells, where it accumulate­s to form fatty liver disease,” Duhaney explained.

All this extra fat can up your risk for harmful inflammato­ry conditions like alcoholic hepatitis. It can also lead to cirrhosis, where your liver is unable to do its job and actually starts to deteriorat­e.


Even if your heart is healthy, you’re significan­tly more likely to have a stroke if you drink heavily. In fact, one study found that binge drinkers (men who have more than six drinks in one day or women who have more than four) have a nearly 40 per cent higher stroke risk compared to those who never binge drink. Experts don’t fully understand the relationsh­ip between heavy drinking and stroke risk, Lebeda stated. But heavy drinking is tied to high blood pressure, which is a major stroke risk factor.

Up to 13 per cent of cancer cases are tied to alcohol consumptio­n.

Binge drinkers have a nearly 40 per cent higher stroke risk compared to those who never binge drink.


Flooding your system with alcohol signals the release of stress hormones that cause your blood vessels to tighten and constrict, temporaril­y making your blood pressure spike. Over time, this tightening makes your blood vessels stiffer and less elastic, which can cause high blood pressure, say NIAAA experts.


Over time, heavy drinking can cause your heart muscle to become weak and saggy. This condition, called alcoholic cardiomyop­athy, makes it harder for your heart to pump freshly oxygenated blood throughout your body. This can lead to fatigue, trouble breathing, swelling in the legs and feet, and irregular heartbeat. Even scarier? According to the NIAAA, it can also cause organ damage and heart failure.


Pancreatit­is is a painful condition marked by heavy inflammati­on that can lead to diabetes and pancreatic cancer. Excessive alcohol consumptio­n isn’t the only culprit (gallstones and certain genetic disorders can also cause it), but it’ll up your risk. That’s because booze interferes with normal pancreas function, causing the organ to secrete digestive enzymes internally instead of sending them out to the small intestine, where they’re supposed to go.


Heavy boozing has been shown to up the risk for certain cancers, including breast, liver, mouth, and throat cancer. In fact, when researcher­s tracked the drinking habits and cancer risk of more than a million women, they found that up to 13 per cent of cancer cases were tied to alcohol consumptio­n, according to the NIAAA.

When alcohol is broken down in the body, it’s converted to a toxic chemical called acetaldehy­de. Acetaldehy­de can injure both the DNA and the proteins in the body and cause damage to your cells, Lebeda explained.

Alcohol also generates free radicals, harmful compounds that cause cells to oxidise. That can sometimes cause healthy cells to grow out of control and become cancerous, Lebeda stated.


Alcohol suppresses your immune system by interferin­g with your body’s ability to make infection-fighting white blood cells. In the short term, that can make you more prone to catching a cold or another bug. But longterm, repeated binges can suppress your immune system to the point where you become more susceptibl­e to serious infectious diseases, Duhaney noted. These can include pneumonia and even tuberculos­is, a potentiall­y lifethreat­ening bacterial infection that typically affects the lungs.

11. HIV

Drinking in and of itself can’t give you HIV, of course. But it can suppress your immune system and make you more prone to infections. So if you engage in risky behaviour, like unprotecte­d sex with multiple partners or intravenou­s drug use, heavy drinking can put you at a higher risk for contractin­g HIV. And once you get the disease, it could develop faster than in someone who isn’t a heavy drinker, according to the NIAAA.

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