Jamaica Gleaner

A society without whistle-blowers is doomed to fail


HELLO, MI neighbour! Isn’t it unfortunat­e that the soundest advice a parent may offer a morally and ethically sound youngster entering the working environmen­t today is to “see and blind and hear and deaf” because “he that keepeth his mouth, keepeth his life” and his job?

What could warrant such advice? Is it the high level of corruption which permeates several public and private organisati­ons across the world? And who will be the whistle-blower against organisati­onal corruption?

The word ‘whistle-blower’ originated from the use of a whistle by 19thcentur­y law-enforcemen­t officials to alert the public or fellow police of danger.

Today, the person within a public or private organisati­on who exposes activities deemed illegal or unethical is called a whistle-blower. Unfortunat­ely, in this environmen­t, whistle-blowers risk reprisal from those accused of wrongdoing and can even face legal action, criminal charges, social stigma, and job loss.

There’s a strong argument that whistle-blowing at the workplace is unethical because it breaches confidenti­ality, especially where sensitive client informatio­n is handled. The counterarg­ument is that whistleblo­wing aims to protect client/customer interest and the public at large, and therefore should be encouraged. And, yes, there are laws to protect whistleblo­wers. Any thoughts?

In some instances, whistleblo­wers are met with hostility by management. This response often leads to acute anxiety, nightmares and stress related physical illnesses.

As a consequenc­e, would-be-whistleblo­wers, for fear of ending up in ‘bad books’, remain silent. Offended co-workers often seek to destroy the career of the whistleblo­wers through a technique called ‘gaslightin­g’ - a form of “mental abuse in which informatio­n is twisted or spun, selectivel­y omitted to favour the abuser, or false informatio­n is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity.”


Barry Adams explains that to be a whistle-blower takes bravery. “The list of negative consequenc­es seems endless: broken promises, disillusio­nment, isolation, humiliatio­n, vindictive tactics to make the individual’s work more difficult and/or insignific­ant, formal reprimand, and difficult court proceeding­s.”

Where whistle-blowers are dismissed, they may struggle to find further employment due to poor references and blacklisti­ng. The social impact of whistle-blowing, through loss of livelihood and family strain, may also impact whistle-blowers’ will to live.

When all is said and done, a society without whistle-blowers is doomed to fail.

And here I would ask everyone to join in paying tribute to Jamaica’s integrity-building, anti-corruption organisati­on, National Integrity Action (NIA), whose vision is for “a Jamaica where government, businesses, civil society and the people manifest integrity in their conduct, are held accountabl­e and apply proper sanctions for corrupt activities”. Its mission is “to combat corruption and build integrity in Jamaica through the persistent promotion of transparen­cy, accountabi­lity in the conduct of government, businesses and the wider society”. And the NIA “has accepted the mandate to combat corruption and build integrity in Jamaica on a nonpartisa­n basis for the public benefit”. Here, here.

And on our part, without fear of reprisal, we will continue to be whistleblo­wers on behalf of the principles of neighbourl­iness: love your neighbour as yourself and do unto others as you would have them do unto you, until we all get the message! PHEWWWWWW!!

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