Jamaica Gleaner

Potential disciplina­ry pitfalls


YOU ARE a stickler for discipline. You are alert to undesirabl­e behaviour. You take decisive action to address it.

Yet, to your frustratio­n, your actions have not produced the desired effects. They even seem to be producing unwanted complicati­ons.

What are you missing? We identify potential pitfalls from DISCERNING communicat­ion and parenting principles that apply when disciplini­ng children and adults.

(Access a quick reference guide to identifyin­g and relating to the different styles here: https://tinyurl.com/DISCerning Parenting Quick Guide)

Today, we will deal with disciplini­ng D-Style individual­s – direct, dominant, driven, dogmatic, independen­t, wants to win, willing to challenge authority, speaks out, daring.



There will be a strong desire to justify their action. The more respect they have for you, the more important it will be for them to get you to accept their justificat­ion. They could get animated in doing so, resulting in the raising of their voice. You might get cut off in midsentenc­e and listening to you might be diminished.

This is often regarded as being disrespect­ful. So, you make a firm call to order. You demand a halt to their utterings or else...

That shutdown might achieve silence in the moment. But does it end there?


In response, you might be viewed as being unwilling to listen and guilty of exercising power because you have the upper hand.

The D-Style individual likes to win and hates losing. At the low end of their response scale, they may refuse to subject themselves to the discipline mentally. That is, while they may do what you require, there is no buy-in. They are totally noncomplia­nt


in their minds.

That mindset can easily be escalated to passive resistance. They may get back at you by taking some other action that would not please you. Or they may deliberate­ly repeat the behaviour in defiance, being willing to endure the punishment.

The bigger challenge is when the failure to be heard is channelled into sneaky sabotage – like damaging property. Or encouragin­g others to exhibit negative behaviour. Or underminin­g your authority.


D-Style self-talk: I am the winner. We would not be having this discussion if your instructio­ns were clear. You are saying that is not what you asked me to do. I would not have wasted energy doing what I did if I did not think that is what you wanted. You really could have been clearer with your instructio­ns.

Don’t quickly dismiss this as making excuses. D-Style individual­s receive instructio­ns in a unique way. They can easily confuse your instructio­ns with what they think is needed. They might be listening through a focus on what they deem to be the desired result and their views as to how to get there.


`Famously, Moses lost the opportunit­y to enter the Promised Land when he confused the need to produce water with the importance of obeying God’s instructio­ns. He used a method that worked before and struck the rock instead of speaking to it.

A student might ignore the instructio­n to show the workings of problem and make a fuss about being marked down despite getting all the right answers.

The order and methods use to complete tasks are also areas that are ripe for contention.

D-style self-talk: This is crazy. I am getting it done. What’s the deal? I am not a robot. Do you want the results or just want me to be a puppet?

Spend time explaining the rationale for the instructio­ns and the implicatio­ns for having them completed as instructed. At the same time, keep your mind open to the possibilit­y that alternativ­e approaches can achieve the desired results.


An appeal to not knowing what to do or having the resources to complete assigned tasks is not unusual.

Before you get upset, reflect and investigat­e whether the claim has merit.

It is shocking how little mastery there is of the skill of giving instructio­ns. So much time is wasted and rework required because of poorly crafted and delivered instructio­ns. That is why, ‘Giving and Receiving Instructio­ns’ is a key component of our leadership training and certificat­ions.


Exercising discipline is not as simple as it appears on the surface. The fact of being a parent or being in charge does not automatica­lly equip you to be good at it. As with many other competence­s, training and coaching is required.

Parents especially have an awesome responsibi­lity to learn how to effectivel­y discipline each child. It will make a difference, for good or bad, for the rest of their lives.

Get further insights on Discerning parenting here:


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