Jamaica Gleaner

Female ejaculatio­n, ‘squirting’, completely different things!

- deardoc@gleanerjm.com

QDear doctor, I am a 36-yearold female. For the last few years, when I am with my partner, we use foreplay and I feel an orgasm, but I am unable to discharge after full orgasm. This makes us so unhappy. Please help me and tell if this is a healthy sign or not.

AWhat you are referring to as discharge after orgasm is known as female ejaculatio­n, and is commonly called ‘squirting’. However, female ejaculatio­n and what we call ‘squirting’, which is that gushing of fluid, that you have probably seen in porn, are actually two completely different things!

Female ejaculate is a small amount of milky white fluid that comes from the skene’s glands (the female equivalent to the prostate gland). It is about 3 to 5ml of a fluid that looks like watered-down milk. Female ejaculatio­n is actually very hard to achieve, and only an estimated 10 per cent of women can do it.

However, during orgasm, some women (10-40 per cent) experience an involuntar­y gush of about 30 to 150ml of fluid; a significan­tly larger amount than that of ejaculatio­n. This is what has become popularly known as ‘squirting’.

So what is this, you may ask? Well, a study done in 2015, revealed that squirting is actually diluted urine with a small amount of the components of female ejaculatio­n!

So squirting is really for the most part just pee!

Women who squirt urine only during orgasm, usually don’t identify it as urine, because it is far more dilute and doesn’t smell or look like urine, even though it comes out of the bladder.

There is no question, though, that sometimes things can get pretty wet. But whether this fluid is vaginal lubricatio­n from the vaginal walls, ejaculate, or urine, one thing is for certain – if you are unusually wet, you are probably having a good time. So, if you do not notice a spurt or gush of fluid at the height of climax, it is nothing to worry about, and most certainly not something that needs fixing, or to be unhappy about.

Why do I have white lining on my tongue

QI have white lining on my tongue and I was very worried after looking it up on the Internet; they say its a sign of HIV. I did a HIV test after I see these symptoms and the result was HIV-negative. I got pills and tongue cream, but months have gone by and the white lines are still there. This developed after I did oral sex to a female. Could this be some other kind of infection?

AWell, I am happy you did an HIV test and that the result is negative.

What you found on the Internet was referring to oral thrush, which is an infection of the mouth caused by candida yeast. Persons are more likely to get oral thrush if they have diabetes, an iron or vitamin B deficiency, wear dentures, or has a weakened immune system from a condition such as HIV or AIDS.

There are, however, numerous other causes for a white tongue, and it is usually nothing to worry about.

A white tongue can present as your whole tongue being white, or just as white spots or patches on your tongue.

The cause is often related to oral hygiene. Your tongue has tiny bumps on its surface, called papillae, that can become swollen and inflamed. Bacteria, fungi, dirt, food, and dead cells can get trapped between the enlarged papillae and cause your tongue to turn white.

Causes of swollen and inflamed papillae include:

Poor oral hygiene (poor brushing and flossing). Dry mouth. Dehydratio­n. Breathing through your mouth. Low-roughage diet. Smoking or chewing tobacco. Excessive alcohol use.

A white tongue often doesn’t need to be treated, and often clears up on its own.

The white coating from your tongue may be removed by gently brushing it with a soft toothbrush, or by softly running a tongue scraper across your tongue. Drinking a lot of water can also help flush bacteria and debris out of your mouth.

On rare occasions, a white tongue can warn of a more serious condition, like an infection.

Regarding your concern about it occurring after oral sex, syphilis is a sexually transmitte­d infection that can cause sores in your mouth. If syphilis isn’t treated early, white patches, called syphilitic leukoplaki­a, can form on your tongue. Syphilis is treated with penicillin, an antibiotic that kills the bacteria that causes it. If you have had syphilis for more than a year, you might need to take more than one dose of the antibiotic.

If you have other symptoms – such as your tongue being painful or feeling like it’s burning; open sores in your mouth; trouble chewing, swallowing, or talking; or having a fever; weight loss; or skin rash – you should visit your doctor.

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