Jamaica Gleaner

MOTHERHOOD Shenseea – entertaine­r and mother of two-year-old Rajeiro

The gift that keeps on giving

- Shereita Grizzle • Sunday Gleaner Writer

FOR THIS year’s tribute to mothers, The Sunday Gleaner explores the gift of motherhood.In celebratio­n of the day dedicated to them, a few mothers from the entertainm­ent sphere talked about how much motherhood has changed their lives. Describing it as the gift that keeps on giving, these women expressed gratitude simply because they are able to celebrate the day. Sharing lessons they’ve learnt from their children, these mothers expressed that if no physical gifts are exchanged today, the day would still be made because they are and will forever be MOTHER.

Motherhood has changed my life for the better and has taught me how to truly love someone unconditio­nally and how to be selfless! I don’t love anyone like how I love my son!

I’ve always been responsibl­e, but now that I’m a mother, my priorities are always intact.

It is truly a gift being able to bring forth life. It’s a great experience. I don’t go out much anymore. Ever since I had my son, I’ve stopped smoking, and I use my free time to spend quality time with him.

My son has taught me to be patient! I was never a person who liked to wait, especially if things aren’t going my way, but my son has taught me to give and take and learn other methods of getting my way.

When I just found out I was pregnant, honestly, I was happy. I didn’t know how I would do it, but God provided for me. To be able to hold it down as a single mother, I will always be grateful. Being a mother is harder than I expected.

My son has taught me to be patient! I was never a “” person who liked to wait, especially if things aren’t going my way, but my son has taught me to give and take and learn other methods of getting my way.

Pamputtae – dancehall artiste and mother of two boys

Being a mother changed my life a lot. When I had my first son, things were kind of rough, and at one point, I had to be doing two jobs because it was me alone. When I had my second son, things were a little bit better because me come inna di artiste world now and things improve – but my lifestyle changed a lot.

I have two boys, so that makes me go harder in terms of work. One of the biggest lessons they have taught me is that my needs are more important than my wants. Right now, if I see something that I want, I think twice about it because that money can go towards the kids.

My mother never got the chance to see me grow up because she died when I was 10 years old. I grew up with my grandmothe­r and my aunty dem, and the struggle was real. I had to make some changes to make sure my kids don’t struggle like I did.

Raine Seville, entertaine­r and mother of Layla-Rei

Motherhood has definitely put a lot of things into perspectiv­e for me. I think less of myself now and more about her first. It has increased my level of maturity and determinat­ion. Before having Layla-Rei, I would spend a lot more money on myself and on things that were nice in the moment, but not a necessity. Now, I’m more focused on saving for her, opening education accounts, and buying things she wants and needs to make her comfortabl­e.

Leisure time I use to spend with or talk to friends has become less because I’m either helping her with homework, taking her to the park or the movies, watching TV with her, or carrying out other ‘motherly’ responsibi­lities.

One thing she has definitely taught me is patience. Trust me! I’m naturally an impatient person, and when things aren’t happening on my time, I get aggressive. She has taught me how to be more understand­ing. Sometimes I have to think back and say, ‘At the end of the day, she’s still a child and she doesn’t understand everything yet’. It’s (motherhood) challengin­g at times, but it’s a blessing I’m extremely grateful for.

D’Angel – mother of Marco Dean

Motherhood has definitely given me a sense of responsibi­lity, motivation, and a drive I never had before. I have to create a certain platform for my son, and so he is the driving force in my life.

I sleep, wake, breathe, and dream Marco Dean. He’s first and foremost in my life, my number-one priority. When I got pregnant, I was at the peak of my career, and to be honest, I wasn’t ready – but motherhood is a blessing. Whether you are ready or not, when these children come, that’s literally what they are – blessings.

I thought I was working hard before, but my son has taught me how to go harder. I have taken on a lot more because I have to ensure he’s well taken care of. Sometimes I say to myself, ‘If it wasn’t for Marco, I wouldn’t push so hard’. So I thank God for him every day.

Before having Layla-Rei, I would “spend a lot more money on myself ” and on things that were nice in the moment, but not a necessity. Now, I’m more focused on saving for her ... .

I thought I was working “hard before, but my son has taught ” me how to go harder. I have taken on a lot more because I have to ensure he’s well taken care of.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Shenseea and two-year-old Rajeiro.
CONTRIBUTE­D Shenseea and two-year-old Rajeiro.
 ??  ?? Pamputtae and her sons, Jahzere Henry (left) and Kavon Smith.
Pamputtae and her sons, Jahzere Henry (left) and Kavon Smith.
 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS ?? Raine Seville and Layla-Rei.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS Raine Seville and Layla-Rei.
 ??  ?? D’Angel and Marco Dean.
D’Angel and Marco Dean.

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