Jamaica Gleaner

Philippine­s president and Trump of the same cloth?

- PATRICK GALLIMORE pagalley@protonmail.com


IN RESPONSE to outspoken president of the Philippine­s, Rodrigo Duterte, denouncing God in a recently televised broadcast, Opposition Senator Antonio Trillanes called Duterte “one evil man” and described his remarks as being “very much consistent with the deceitfuln­ess, heartlessn­ess and ruthlessne­ss of his policies”.

Duterte, in response to his calling God “stupid”, was described as a “madman” by Catholic Bishop Arturo Bastes. Further, Bastes called Duterte a “psychologi­cal freak, a psychopath, an abnormal mind, who should not have been elected as president of our civilised and Christian nation”.

US President Donald Trump has never called God ‘stupid’. However, sadly, ashamedly and embarrassi­ngly, given his long and growing list of racially charged, bizarre, vulgar and mean-spirited statements, and in many cases, outright lies – prior to and after being appointed president – the aforementi­oned negative descriptio­ns of Duterte could easily be transcribe­d to Trump.

Whenever a US president and, moreover, the leader of the Free World’s character can so easily be likened to that of a dictatoria­l despot’s own, all decent, wellthinki­ng and law-abiding US citizens, and citizens of all democratic nations worldwide, who cherish and respect democratic norms, laws and freedoms, should be very concerned/worried.

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