Jamaica Gleaner



HELLO, MI neighbour! If you are a possessor of the tear-down or tear-up mentality, you are a dangerous person – a threat to peace and harmony in the community!

It matters not the length of your imprisonme­nt by this habit or the extent to which you enjoy it, quit before you create more problems for yourself and others!

For reasons known to them and God, the evil-minded will mince their neighbours with their sharper-than-razor tongue in the name of gossip, aka backbiting. To backbite is to pass negative remarks about others in the hope that they will be seen in a bad light and treated accordingl­y.

Backbiting might be triggered by misunderst­anding or unresolved grievances between two parties. It could also be straight jealousy or covetousne­ss over the progress of a peer, coworker, family member or even a dead stranger – and that’s when it becomes deadly. You don’t know the person from Adam yet you’re making negative comments about him/her!

That’s crazy!


The ‘backbitee’ is usually unaware of being backbitten and might only become suspicious when friends or acquaintan­ces suddenly begin to cold shoulder him/her without apparent reasons. Friends don’t call them anymore, and each attempt to reach out to these friends is treated with contempt.

What is so sad about this universal wickedness is that most people have a big appetite for it. No offence meant, but it is said that women’s appetite for gossip is so huge that it’s curable only by a miracle ... and wait, of some men, it is also said that when they are ready to gossip, 10 women put together can’t beat them! We won’t debate.

Gossip is gossip and can be cruel!

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