Jamaica Gleaner



1. Anyone of any nationalit­y who arrived in the United Kingdom (UK) before December 31, 1988, and is lawfully settled in the UK, is eligible for help under the Windrush Scheme and would, therefore, be eligible to make a claim under the compensati­on scheme.

2. However, anyone who arrived after 1988 is not eligible under the Windrush Scheme and would, therefore, not be eligible to make a claim for compensati­on.

3. Certain children of the Windrush generation are eligible for help under the Windrush Scheme, for example, children born in the UK. Some will automatica­lly be a British citizen (those born before 1983 and those born to a British citizen or a parent settled in the UK) and some will be eligible to register as a British citizen.

4. In addition, a child of a Commonweal­th citizen who was settled in the UK before January 1, 1973, who was born outside the UK and who came to the UK before they were 18, is eligible for help under the Windrush Scheme.

5. Children who are not eligible for help under the Windrush Scheme would not be eligible to make a compensati­on claim.

6. In terms of eligibilit­y for help under the Windrush Scheme for people who are outside the UK, this applies, predominan­tly, to Commonweal­th citizens who were settled in the UK before January 1, 1973, but who left the UK and whose right to be in the UK has since lapsed.

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