Jamaica Gleaner

A leader in every sense of the word


TO EVEN attempt to encapsulat­e the person that this man was would be extremely difficult. The positions and accolades that are affixed to him seem never-ending, because that was the kind of service he gave, never-ending.

I first met Easton Douglas back in 1998 when the Greater Portmore Housing developmen­t started. Back then I was the president of the citizens’ associatio­n and he was the minister of environmen­t and housing. What became clear to me from those early days about Easton Douglas was the fact that he was a man with a passion for wanting to realise the multitude of goals that could contribute to a better life for the people of our communitie­s. It almost became his duty to give advice and offer support as the project materialis­ed, and when we began our search for land to build our community park, he was right there to assist.

It was later after I entered the political landscape and became a councillor in the St Catherine Parish Council that our friendship grew, and I realised that the attributes he possessed of being forthright, outspoken and just formed part of his true character. He was a leader in every sense of the word.


When he ran for vice-president of the People’s National Party, I was a proud member of his campaign team. I believed in him, because I knew he always wanted to contribute to a better way of living for the people of our communitie­s and towards nation building. His commitment to the PNP was unwavering, solid as a rock.

The qualificat­ions he had and the positions he held within government offices are too many to list, but each benefited from his uniqueness, genuine nature, leadership and timely delivery of a job well done.

After retirement, he was always still available for counsel. Willing to give of his ideas and offer suggestion­s on whatever project was being worked on. It was he, who introduced me to Dr Conrad Douglas, his brother. He was only too happy to mention that his brother could offer the municipali­ty assistance regarding climate change as that was one of his areas of study. Needless to say, he was not wrong and Dr Conrad Douglas has become a member of our Municipal family.

The trumpet has sounded on Easton Douglas’ life and he has gone on to answer the call. His life and achievemen­ts will remain enviable and the memory of him will forever be etched in our hearts. LEON THOMAS

Mayor, Municipali­ty of Portmore

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