Jamaica Gleaner

He challenged us to be the best


IT IS with deep sadness I pause to put on paper the things that I remember about Easton Douglas. And it is with a heavy heart that I pen these words.

Easton Douglas came to us in South Eastern St Andrew when we were at a very low ebb as a constituen­cy. We were seeking for someone who would be our representa­tive when next an election was called. We had lost the 1980 election, and with that we lost Comrade John Junor. He had moved on to Central Manchester.

It was about this time after much searching and rejecting many that came, that along came this Comrade. The first thing we noticed was that he was a man of class. It was seen in everything he did and he immediatel­y captured our hearts. He challenged us to be a constituen­cy that would always strive to be the best we could. Not only was he a Comrade of class, and not only was he one that challenged us, but he was a Comrade who cared.

He cared for the constituen­cy and all those with whom he worked, namely, the workers and the elderly who, not being able to work anymore, were still valuable in his eyes.


Upon the constituen­cy being victorious, and Comrade Douglas being made minister of health, he brought about changes in the health system. He introduced programmes that increased the nursing population that was slowly decreasing. He refurbishe­d the nurses’ residence situated on Half-Way Tree Road, and as a result it brought muchneeded employment during the period of reconstruc­tion. He was instrument­al in building a 36-apartment complex known as the Langston Court.

How could I ever forget the times we spent at his home, wherever that was, as he entertaine­d his workers, especially on New Year’s night, where there would be much food and fun. We will always remember Comrade Easton Douglas and will endeavor to maintain South Eastern St Andrew as a bastion for the People’s National Party.

He has fought a good fight, has kept the faith and he has finished the course. Sleep well, my friend.


Former Councillor, Trafalgar Division

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