Jamaica Gleaner

His laugh filled a room


JAMAICAN HISTORY will record him as a politician. It will chronicle his life as such. All his accolades will be listed and everything that embodied his life as a former politician. But that history will not tell the full story of the father, brother, uncle, son... the man behind the parliament speeches, the man who, in the comfort of home imitated other politician­s in jest. The man who gave you ‘behind the scenes’ ‘footage’, especially during his retirement years.

His humour was boundless and his hearty laugh filled a room and echoed across the halls that it wasn’t even necessary to hear the joke to join the laughter. And never, never let him laugh at you. His memory was impeccable, his penmanship worthy of envy and he could easily rival Wordsworth.

The tennis enthusiast, the avid reader and music lover who enjoyed Western movies and had a gadget for almost every and anything. Did you know there was a small gadget to help button a crisp white linen shirt so you wouldn’t soil it, or one that helps to make the perfect cuff? A man who loved white and whose closet was supremely organised by clothing type with shoes arranged by colour.

His love for home-cooked meals and pig’s tail in his rice and peas will not be written in the country’s history. It will not tell of the quiet moments spent with family sharing stories over Sunday dinner or times he spent feeding his gran a baby bottle.

He was kindhearte­d, sincere and stood by his principles, values and beliefs. He was class, charisma and a man of sound character. Sharp-witted, no-nonsense who administer­ed discipline in a logical and loving way.

He fulfilled every obligation he ever undertook. His word was his bond, and everyone knew it. We also knew that it’s not IF he was gonna do it but when. He was loyal. His faithfulne­ss to the important people in his life was evident, and he never treated anyone of any station with anything other than respect and kindness.


He was strong in body, in spirit, and in commitment. Never was this more evident than in the way he lived his life following his diagnosis. He was determined to live his best life, and that he did. He wasn’t going to give up without a fight. He fought the bitter fight with dignity, providing strength and reassuranc­e to those around him.

“We are long livers, you know,” he would say. “Yes, it’s in our genes. You don’t believe me?” Then he would list our predecesso­rs and the ages they died. Maybe he was right. After all, he lived to a ripe age of 81.

His profession­al biography will one day be archived but our memories of him will never die. They are indelibly written on our hearts. It’s in our laughter and our tears. It’s in voice notes, home videos, photos, handwritte­n letters and cards. These are the treasures that history cannot and will not record. History will record an end date but we will not. He will remain alive in our spirit forever as Easie, Chief, and Uncle Easton.

Forever and always,


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