Jamaica Gleaner

Look to the future with hope


IT IS my distinct privilege on behalf of the board of the National Council for Senior Citizens (NCSC) to pay tribute to our senior citizens across Jamaica. Our senior citizens represent the bedrock of our past, and they are indeed the forerunner­s of our future as they have, over time, dedicated decades of their lives in the building of this nation. Through their contributi­ons in the various spheres of national developmen­t, today we can look to the future with hope.

It is in recognitio­n of this that we have sought annually to celebrate our seniors, and our theme this year, ‘Forging our Future: Embracing the Participat­ion, Contributi­on and Talents of Older Persons’, in an inclusive way symbolises the generation­al cycle of their contributi­on.

Sir Isaac Newton once said, “If I can see further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Indeed, our senior citizens remain the giants of our nation on whose guidance we rely in charting in the future. In an unselfish way, they continue to honour their social responsibi­lity and moral obligation­s through a passion to serve.

Jamaica will never be able to repay our senior citizens for the role they have played and continue to play daily. Through their unselfish and undying love for this country, they remain relevant by engaging in community activities as volunteers – imparting their talents, while preserving our rich cultural heritage.


The NCSC is proud to be the body appointed to ensure the well-being and welfare of our seniors. Throughout the years of its existence, the council has taken a structured approach in the far-reaching services that it offers. Today, we can proudly say that the revision of the National Policy for Senior Citizens, when fully implemente­d, will cement those gains and provide the legal framework for a lifetime of support to older persons.

Today, I wish to use this medium to make a special appeal to all Jamaicans to honour and respect the contributi­on of older persons to societies and to be kind and caring to them. You can make the difference in their lives, just as they did in the lives of others in their heyday. As such, it is important that we protect them while learning from their experience­s.

To the seniors, I say, wear your years with pride like a badge of honour for you have conquered, you have thrived, you have survived, and today, you remain a beacon of hope for generation­s to come through your untiring service to mankind.

May God bless and keep you as we celebrate with pride the work and life of our senior citizens. DOROTHY FINLAYSON

Board Chairman

National Council for Senior Citizens

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