Jamaica Gleaner

Jamaican lessons from Kavanaugh fiasco

- Orville Taylor

ON THE face of it, I like the idea of my Supreme Court justices being appointed by a process of being dragged through the legislatur­e. Two sets of elected politician­s, the Government and Opposition, have a select group of wise men and women asking questions that range from the colour of one’s stool to one’s ideas on some fundamenta­l constituti­onal issues.

Everyone, including my close friends in the legal fraternity, knows that I have been unequivoca­l as to where law resides. In a democracy, or a bastardise­d version of it called a republic, what matters is what the persons appointed by the population desire, not what a small cadre of legally trained minds believe.

Thus, we want to know that we select and contract judges who are keen on upholding the consensual rules that the people have legislated, starting, of course, with the Constituti­on. True, there is space and some wiggle room for individual opinion. However, that has to be within the context of the very rules that are made ultimately by our Parliament. In our modern democracie­s, we supposedly select judges who are expected to be independen­t and who are colour blind, bowing only to what is the dictate of statute or what the vagaries of some old, expired Englishmen’s dictum gave rise to.

As we watch the protracted eviscerati­on of American Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, I ask myself whether there was national consensus in appointing an independen­t judge who adjudicate­s based on the rule of law or according to partisan agendas. As is customary, all nominees for America’s highest court must pass the scrutiny of a bipartisan committee, and Kavanaugh was found to have an ingrown hair in the persona of psychologi­st Professor Christine Blasey Ford.

Ford, more than any non-behavioura­l scientist in this drama, understand­s how reliable or unreliable memory is. Indeed, one favourite mind trick, for entertainm­ent purposes mostly, is when friends and associates are reminded of things they said or did 10 to 15 minutes earlier. Of course, none of that occurred, but either the memory was implanted, or the ‘victim’ was made to doubt his recollecti­on. False memories are real, and individual­s who have perfect recall of events that absolutely did not or could not have occurred have actually passed polygraph tests.

Nonetheles­s, she alleges that when they were in high school some 30-plus years ago, Kavanaugh pinned her down, covered her mouth, and attempted, without success, to rape her. This is a big deal, and the passage of time does not erase it if it did indeed occur.

In his defence, Kavanaugh understand­ably denies it, and with the entire cadre of Republican­s behind him, it has turned into a ‘she says, he says!’ battle. The Republican­s have accused the Democrats of using the allegation­s as a stalling technique, while the consistent view from non-Republican­s is that an FBI investigat­ion, prompted last Friday by Senator Jeff Flake’s interventi­on, will ferret out the truth once and for all, even within the limitation­s of a one-week extension for a vote. Both are right.

Doubtless, in the pursuit of truth, one should not leave any stone unturned, especially when the stakes are so high. Once a Supreme Court justice is appointed, he cannot be removed unless he dies. That is a big risk, which can have major consequenc­es for jurisprude­nce for the next 30 years given the average life expectancy of white college-educated Americans.

Nonetheles­s, what this has taught me as a non-American is how deeply divided the land of the free is, and it is a disturbing exemplar for younger democracie­s.


Any allegation of sexual misconduct, especially those relating to violence, is serious and must be investigat­ed. And yes, rape and attempted rape are almost as violent as murder – some say equal to – and is as violent as shooting. It’s just that the weaponry is different. Having such a cloud of suspicion floating over the head of any of the highest jurists cannot be acceptable in any democracy. I would, in such a position, want to completely clear my name.

On the other hand, if it is true, just imagine that she is the daughter or son of the Speaker of the House or even the president; or simply, imagine if it were you – male or female. Indeed, malemale sexual assault is not as rare as one thinks.

In the same way that Americans stripped African-American Clarence Thomas in the early 1990s over his alleged sexual harassment of Anita Hill years earlier, this needs full interrogat­ion.

Yet, this is the very political nature of the American justice system, which is why it is difficult to take instructio­ns and criticisms from up north as we struggle with our small budget to comply with our national anthem, “justice, truth be ours forever.”

In the land of the ‘free’, last time I checked, judges were directly elected on political platforms in more than 50 per cent of American jurisdicti­ons. When it comes to heads of police divisions such as sheriffs, the number is even higher. It, therefore, does not surprise me that the same Transparen­cy Internatio­nal study that reports that some six per cent of Jamaicans paid bribes to judges here reported 15 per cent for Americans in the USA.

Neverthele­ss, our own process for the selection of judges is not beyond reproach. At least, the Americans know how and when their judges are being chosen. Ours is done with the utmost secrecy and less transparen­cy than the crude oil that runs through Petrojam. Yes, we have a Judicial Services Commission (JSC). However, from time to time, our prime ministers have made it clear that public services commission­s are not to be seen as independen­t entities and their members should be creatures and upholders of national policy. Thus, when the JSC acts to appoint its judges, it must be mindful of the wishes of the political directorat­e.

Thus, as we jump to criticise America, given that our governor general ultimately appoints judges, I wonder if one day he says what he dares.

Dr Orville Taylor is head of the Department of Sociology at the UWI, a radio talk-show host, and author of ‘Broken Promises, Hearts and Pockets’. Email feedback to columns@gleanerjm.com and tayloronbl­ackline@hotmail.com.


 ?? AP ?? In this photo combinatio­n, Christine Blasey Ford (top) and Brett Kavanaugh testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday in Washington.
AP In this photo combinatio­n, Christine Blasey Ford (top) and Brett Kavanaugh testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday in Washington.
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