Jamaica Gleaner

Evil forces sweeping Portland


THE EDITOR, Sir: FOUR YEARs ago when I took up residence in Portland, I saw it as piece of paradise and a paradise of peace. Major crimes such as murder, rape and shooting were almost non-existent.

I used to do my morning exercise from Passley Gardens to Snow Hill at 4 o’clock in the mornings, and I never felt fearful of being attacked. Now, I start my morning exercise when day starts to light, because I realise that the Portland I came to know in 2014 is not the Portland of today.

Drive in a bus, take a taxi, stand at a corner, visit the town centre after school or just walk along the streets, and invariably you will see the origins of the violent and vulgar subculture that is rapidly taking over Portland.

You can’t come out of a bank, supermarke­t or ATM without being harassed by profession­al beggars. Taxis that are licensed to carry five passengers are transporti­ng more than double that number in children in one trip. Every corner has four or five young men digging out their palms and ‘holding order’.

Teenage schoolgirl­s have to sit in boys’ laps and subject themselves to derogatory and sexually charged lyrics if she want to travel to or from school by bus. I hate to think that the culture of silence, turning a blind eye, and minding your business is becoming the way of life for the people of Portland.

Where is the outrage and cry for help from our civic, business religious and political leaders? Where is the outrage from the ordinary citizen?

The people of goodwill must shut out the people of ill will. We must start by breaking our silence and expressing outrage at the way we are socialisin­g our children. We must work with the police and tell them what we know.

ANDRE WELLINGTON Passley Gardens, Portland

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