Jamaica Gleaner

Lessons in democracy from Jamaica


IT’S ANOTHER of the recent revelation­s about the United States that they be taught a thing or two by Jamaica about the management of elections and maintainin­g the legitimacy of their democracy.

When Jamaica last voted for a government in February 2016, in four of the 63 constituen­cies, the winning candidate polled fewer than 200 more ballots than his nearest rival, including one in which the eventual margin was a mere five votes. In another, the majority was 205. In several, it was under 300. In a handful of these contests, there were tense recounts overseen by magistrate­s, initiated by losing candidates dissatisfi­ed with the declaratio­ns by the presiding officials.

These tight margins were especially significan­t in an election in which the winning party gained a majority of only a single seat in the legislatur­e and meant a change of government. These tight outcomes couldn’t be easy for the side that lost.

There were, of course, pockets of complaints about the conduct of voting in a few constituen­cies and about how the ballots were initially counted. But there weren’t any orchestrat­ed efforts to delegitimi­se, or sustained attempts to question, the validity of any of the results. Critically, too, insofar as there were complaints, these didn’t come, at least in not any significan­t fashion, from the leaders of the island’s two major political parties.

We are struck by the contrast between the behaviour of Jamaica’s political leaders in the aftermath of this country’s general election of 2016 and what has happened in America since their midterms a fortnight ago. The response of several top officials of the Republican Party, especially President Donald Trump, to what ought merely to be the natural process has been appalling.

An important underpinni­ng of liberal democracy is the right of citizens to choose their government, expressed by voting in periodic elections. Whatever the calculatio­n for divvying-up representa­tion, it usually ends with the candidate, or the party, who gets the most votes, is declared the winner. That demands that all votes be counted to determine not only who got the majority, but the margin of victory.


But there is also a psychologi­cal dimension to counting all the votes: it marks the individual who casts the ballot as an important participan­t in the democratic process, thereby helping to build support for the system.

Leaders of democracie­s should be exceedingl­y wary of actions or behaviours that breed cynicism about the process, which might contribute to a weakening of democracy. And that is the basis of concern about remarks by Donald Trump, and other leaders of the GOP, about elections in the states of Florida and Georgia, especially.

In Florida, where thousands of Jamaicans live, Governor Rick Scott contested for a US Senate seat against the incumbent Bill Nelson, a Democrat. The governorsh­ip being vacated by Mr Scott is being fought over by Republican Ron DeSantis and Democrat Andrew Gillum. In Georgia, where Republican­s usually hold sway, the governor’s race is between the state’s outgoing secretary of state, Brian Kemp, and Stacey Abrams, who, like Mr Gillum, is black.

All of these contests have proved to be very tight, although, based on the election night returns, the Republican candidates appeared to have won by narrow margins. But for the provisos. All the votes had not been counted, including several thousands of mailed ballots. Moreover, in Florida, the law requires that if a candidate wins by less than half of one per cent, there is a machine recount of the ballots. If the plurality is less than a quarter of one per cent, there is a hand recount. In Georgia, the candidate has to receive at least 50 per cent of the votes to be elected and avoid a run-off vote.

In the case of Florida, the threshold for recounts was clearly in sight, but Mr Trump has sought to short-circuit the count, claiming that the process was being rigged against his Republican colleagues. Mr Scott, like the president, without offering evidence, had claimed fraud.

This might have been Jamaica four decades ago, before the establishm­ent of the Electoral Commission that took the management and oversight of elections out of the hands of politician­s and gave it to a body with majority independen­t members. It would seem strange in Jamaica if a candidate like Mr Kemp had oversight responsibi­lity for the conduct of a poll in which he was also running.

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