Jamaica Gleaner

Reid stands by PEP mock results, clarifies ministry’s position

- Paul Clarke/Gleaner Writer paul.clarke@gleanerjm.com

EDUCATION MINISTER Ruel Reid said that results from the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) mock exam have been misconstru­ed, noting that it will have no bearing on next year’s actual examinatio­ns.

Speaking at the ministry’s Heroes Circle offices in Kingston yesterday, he pointed out that based on the analysis done, he is not worried about PEP’s value.

“Let me state categorica­lly that the ministry stands by the report based on the analysis that was done of the preliminar­y results of the Performanc­e Task in September of this year. We maintain, also, that the informatio­n presented on the combinatio­n of the ‘standards met’ and ‘standards nearly met’ scores was deliberate­ly done, as based on the nature of the Performanc­e Task and specifical­ly, the areas that were assessed, both standards are deemed to be satisfacto­ry scores,” said Reid.

The minister also noted that the objectives from the National Standards Curriculum that were used to develop the Performanc­e Task represente­d approximat­ely five per cent of the areas applicable to each subject.

He further stated that the Performanc­e Task will only sample a small percentage of curriculum objectives.

“The Performanc­e Task by itself will not determine how much of the curriculum a student has achieved, thus the need for the various components of the Primary Exit Profile Curriculum Based and Performanc­e Task,” noted the Reid.


According to him, the mock performanc­e test was pitched at a high level of the Depth of Knowledge scale – levels three and four – which represents strategic and extended thinking.

“This was done deliberate­ly to ascertain how the students would respond and attempt the items, primarily for internal and baseline establishi­ng purposes,” Reid noted.

“Based on the purpose of the mock exam, there was no need to be alarmed, as the data provided was very specific and the tangible informatio­n is being used to support those schools that were deemed to need support.”

The mock exam was done based on one component of PEP (Performanc­e Task), which accounts for only 20 per cent of the overall assessment. The Ability Test and the Curriculum-Based Test will account for the remaining 30 and 50 per cent, respective­ly.

“Therefore, it is unreasonab­le, premature and a knee-jerk reaction to view the June 2018 mock Performanc­e Task exam as an indication of what will happen when the actual assessment­s are done in 2019,” Reid said.


In the meantime, it was stated that the Performanc­e Task component of PEP has been reschedule­d to March 27 and 28, based on a request from the Jamaica Teachers’ Associatio­n.

The tests will be carried out as follows: I Ability Test to be done on February 26, 2019

I Performanc­e Task to be done on March 27 and 28, 2019 (instead of December 2018) I Curriculum-Based Test to be done on April 16 and 17, 2019.

 ??  ?? Ruel Reid, minister of education, youth and informatio­n.
Ruel Reid, minister of education, youth and informatio­n.

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