Jamaica Gleaner

Gay marriage tougher battle than buggery repeal



SOME GAY Jamaicans want to get married. Many do not. But the argument that decriminal­ising private anal intercours­e between consenting adults will lead to a flood of gay weddings is disingenuo­us at best and a flatout lie at worst.

This is because Section 18 of our Charter of Fundamenta­l Rights and Freedoms explicitly bans the legal recognitio­n of any form of gay unions, whether common-law or marriage. Changing our charter is very difficult compared to the simple act of repealing a law. So even if our Parliament joined the majority of countries in the world and struck down the barbaric British colonially imposed anti-sodomy statute, same-sex couples would have to wait for the much tougher process of ending the ban of their relationsh­ips.

This fact is clear to anyone who bothers to take even a cursory glance at our Constituti­on and laws. But as usual, the fearmonger­s among us, whipped up by religious extremists, aren’t bothered by facts, including the dreadful reality that our buggery law contribute­s to one of the highest HIV prevalence rates globally by driving men who have sex with men into hiding.

And tragically, many of these men are forced to have relationsh­ips with women as masks, or ‘cures’, for their homosexual­ity because our archaic law marks them as ‘unapprehen­ded’ criminals and gives licence to horrendous societal abuse. Simply put, the anti-buggery law harms men, women, and even children.

But to spite gays, our cowardly parliament­arians want to keep this law that demonstrab­ly harms our society. SHAME!


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