Jamaica Gleaner

Cops to clamp down on Spaldings chaos

- Tamara Bailey/Gleaner Writer

THE MANCHESTER police have vowed to crack down on the traffic chaos that has seized the central Jamaica town of Spaldings.

The warning comes in the wake of Tuesday’s police shooting of a bus driver over a traffic violation, which precipitat­ed a confrontat­ion that left the motorist hospitalis­ed with gunshot wounds after reportedly initially assaulting a cop.

“The frequency with which they break the road traffic laws, we are going to put an end to that because we are going to have a strong, consistent police presence there,” warned Superinten­dent Wayne Cameron, commanding officer of the Manchester Police Division. “I am sending a strong warning to the taxi operators. Remember, a police is trained to defend themselves and they will be met with violence if they attack a police.”

Cameron said there are countless breaches by taxi operators in the small town, which straddles the border of Clarendon and Manchester.

“The taxi operators are refusing to use the transporta­tion centre, and once they choose to load on the roadway, that is a traffic breach,” Cameron told The Gleaner yesterday.

“There have been several occasions were policemen are confronted by transport operators there. It is a kind of trend where people fight police in Spaldings.”

The Manchester police have arrested one man and are on the hunt for two others who are believed to have caused extensive damage to the windshield and back window of a service vehicle in Tuesday’s incident.

 ?? KENYON HEMANS/PHOTOGRAPH­ER ?? Therese Turner-Jones (left), general manager of the Country Department of the Inter-American Developmen­t Bank, couldn’t resist a giggle alongside Dr Wayne Henry, director general of the Planning Institute of Jamaica, at the Public Sector Transforma­tion Programme function held at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel on Thursday.
KENYON HEMANS/PHOTOGRAPH­ER Therese Turner-Jones (left), general manager of the Country Department of the Inter-American Developmen­t Bank, couldn’t resist a giggle alongside Dr Wayne Henry, director general of the Planning Institute of Jamaica, at the Public Sector Transforma­tion Programme function held at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel on Thursday.

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