Jamaica Gleaner

A deficit of anti-corruption law


EVERY NEW prime minister commits their government to transparen­cy and accountabi­lity, but 57 years after Independen­ce, we are yet to see any politician held criminally responsibl­e for political corruption; yet if a poor, hungry man steals a few ackees from the grounds of King’s House, he ends up in jail.

Part of the reason for this is that the politician­s who make the laws so far have passed legislatio­n to suit themselves, making it difficult to detect or prosecute corruption.

Some years ago, a commission­er of lands improperly transferre­d government land to his wife and relatives, and to various politician­s, but when the corruption was discovered and exposed, it was found that no laws existed to cancel or reverse the corrupt transactio­ns so that the land could be returned to the government (which holds it in trust for the people). The only penalty was that the commission­er of lands resigned; everyone kept their ill-gotten land.

On March 24, 2015, the contractor general tabled a report in Parliament, finding that the People’s National Party (PNP) mayor of Lucea was guilty of nepotism, conflicts of interest and impropriet­y in the award of government contracts. According to the report, the mayor awarded 22 contracts worth almost $4 million to family members and friends between March 2012 and April 2014; these included her spouse, daughter, son, nephew-in-law, sister, brother, sister-in-law, brother-in-law and niece.

The following month, Director of Public Prosecutio­ns (DPP) Paula Llewellyn, ruled that although there was overwhelmi­ng evidence of nepotism involving the award of contracts to the mayor’s relatives, nepotism was not an offence known to Jamaican criminal law, and declined to lay any charges. After a public outcry (including from myself ), in November she reversed that decision, and a file was sent to the police to investigat­e the matter.

When the (by now) former mayor was charged with misconduct in public office and breaches of the public-sector procuremen­t regulation­s, she pleaded not guilty before the Hanover Parish Court. I am not aware that anything has come of the case.

She should have been charged with more, but stronger corruption charges did not – and still do not – exist in Jamaican law.

The PNP had an Integrity Commission at the time, but I am not aware that she was brought before it, or that any finding was made against her. She was not required to resign as a councillor.


Shortly after the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) came to power in 2016, the human resources manager at Petrojam, appointed under the PNP, was summarily, and terminated with no severance package. Her politicall­y connected replacemen­t was improperly hired because the post was not advertised, and she was a connected party, being on the board of the parent company.

She was hired despite not having the required qualificat­ions (master’s degree), and at a salary higher than her (more qualified) predecesso­r; then her probation period was abbreviate­d, and her salary was retroactiv­ely doubled. She was not hired on contract, but permanentl­y, so that if the government changed and she was fired, she could sue, and walk away with multimilli­ons, plus costs.

Then she hired her unqualifie­d brother – nepotism again – against company policy.

When the scandal of her improper hiring and salary scale was discovered and exposed, she could not be fired because she had a binding contract. There still is no law against nepotism in Jamaica, so she did nothing illegal. Why was her terminatio­n arrangemen­t calculated based on her inappropri­ate salary? It has every appearance of being hush money.

And no one at Petrojam (board or staff ) can be criminally charged because hiring an unqualifie­d person, shortening her probation, and doubling her salary is not a criminal offence. And there is no legal means to terminate someone improperly hired.

Both parties have supported corruption by passing patently ineffectiv­e anti-corruption laws. Unless he acts soon, the legacy of Andrew Holness will be indistingu­ishable from his corrupt predecesso­rs.

Peter Espeut is a sociologis­t and developmen­t scientist. Email feedback to columns@gleanerjm.com.

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