Jamaica Gleaner

Workers to relocate from Oceana hazard ‘in months’, says Clarke

- Jason Cross/Gleaner Writer jason.cross@gleanerjm.com

THE FINALISATI­ON of paperwork is the only hurdle preventing workers from being relocated from the Accountant General’s Department at the problempla­gued Oceana building in downtown Kingston, which has been beset by air-pollution woes.

But it is uncertain whether that assurance from Finance and the Public Service Minister Dr Nigel Clarke that a new location has been identified will assuage the frustratio­n of staff there because the minister was non-committal on a date.

It could take “several months” before relocation gets under way, Clarke told The Gleaner on Wednesday.

“After a long search, we have identified a suitable building. I don’t want to say much because we are in the process of documentat­ion,” the minister said.

“It wasn’t easy to find a building in specific size and specificat­ion to accommodat­e the Accountant General’s Department. I am happy we have identified one that is suitable and are in the documentat­ion phase. It is just a matter of several months as opposed to days, weeks, or years.”

Sources have indicated that the Towers in New Kingston will be the new site of the Accountant General’s Department.


A 10-year lease had been signed for the Accountant General’s Department to occupy the Oceana building. An auditor general’s report had indicated that the lease would cost the Government, cumulative­ly, $1.3 billion over the decade, not including $107 million for parking, well beyond the recommende­d price point from the commission­er of lands. The State also spent around half a billion dollars in retrofitti­ng the building before occupying the premises in 2017.

On Tuesday, workers staged a protest over poor air quality inside the building. While no one was willing to speak on the record to the media for fear of being penalised because they are not authorised to speak to the press, they relayed stories of either respirator­y illnesses or skin rashes caused by undetermin­ed particulat­e matter in the air.

It was at least the third time that workers at the Accountant General’s Department have staged protest action over health complicati­ons, The Gleaner has learnt.

Multiple attempts at renovating the Ocean building have proven unsuccessf­ul as the air-quality issues persist.

“Just as the workers moved there in 2017, they started experienci­ng issues. We don’t know what is in the air,” O’ Neil Grant, president of the Jamaica Civil Service Associatio­n, told The Gleaner on Tuesday.

“People are unaware as to what was making them ill. Several reports were done that indicated that air quality was not the best. Persons have sent photograph­s to the union of mould accumulati­on in areas.”

But Clarke sought to give the assurance that he was determined to resolve the long-running grouse. “I inherited a problem, and I am trying to fix it,” the minister told The Gleaner on Wednesday.

“When I became aware of the problem, I commission­ed an internatio­nal engineerin­g firm to engage in a technical review of the site, including an examinatio­n of the original design of the renovation, an examinatio­n of the implementa­tion against the design, and to undertake an assessment of the current state of the space and to make recommenda­tions to address the issues. The report has been completed.”

As soon as the building is vacated, Clarke will be collaborat­ing with the Urban Developmen­t Corporatio­n to ensure that the recommenda­tions are properly implemente­d.

“Once they are implemente­d and the space is tested and deemed to be sufficient­ly rehabilita­ted, then the building can be made available to another department of government. We do need space in government, so the plan would not be to leave the space empty indefinite­ly,” the minister said.

 ?? PHOTOGRAPH­ER LIONEL ROOKWOOD/ ?? Staff members abandoned their workstatio­ns at the Accountant General’s Department on Wednesday over lingering air-quality problems at the Oceana building in downtown Kingston on Tuesday.
PHOTOGRAPH­ER LIONEL ROOKWOOD/ Staff members abandoned their workstatio­ns at the Accountant General’s Department on Wednesday over lingering air-quality problems at the Oceana building in downtown Kingston on Tuesday.

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