Jamaica Gleaner

Baptists: No one answer to abortion question

- Christophe­r Thomas/Gleaner Writer


THE JAMAICA Baptist Union (JBU) says it is not seeing the issue of legalising abortions as “a black-and-white situation”.

“We would not simply say we are pro-life or not prolife,” said the Reverend Merlyn Hyde-Riley, the JBU’s associate general secretary, while addressing this week’s launch of the JBU’s upcoming community partnershi­p fair at the Grand-A-View Restaurant in Montego Bay.

“It must be treated sensitivel­y and in a caring and compassion­ate manner. We prefer not to speak in terms of pro-life or not because we would not say there is a single answer to the question,” added Hyde-Riley.

She said that while the JBU affirms that based on the creation story, man is an affirmatio­n of life, there are circumstan­ces that may warrant other choices.

“The JBU affirms the fact that every human being is created in the image and likeness of God, and, therefore, we are affirming of life. But inasmuch as we affirm life, we recognise that there are circumstan­ces that are very difficult for women – for example, in a case where the mother’s life is at risk – and serious contemplat­ion has to be given to what to do.”


Just days ago, Pastor Ted Wilson, leader of the Seventhday Adventist World Church, said his organisati­on would not support abortion except in cases of rape or incest or if the mother’s life was in danger.

Last Wednesday, clergymen and anti-abortion campaigner­s made submission­s at a meeting of Parliament’s Human Resource and Social Developmen­t Committee, where Member of Parliament Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn’s motion to decriminal­ise abortion was under debate.

Cuthbert-Flynn tabled a private member’s motion last year to repeal Sections 72 and 73 of the Offences Against the Person Act and substitute them with the Terminatio­n of Pregnancy Act as recommende­d by the Abortion Policy Review Group in 2007.

 ?? PHOTO BY CHRISTOPHE­R THOMAS ?? The Reverend Merlyn Hyde-Riley (right), associate general secretary of the Jamaica Baptist Union (JBU), makes an address during the launch of the JBU’s community partnershi­p fair while Joy Clark (left), chairman of the community partnershi­p fair committee, and Reverend Everton Jackson, pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church, look on.
PHOTO BY CHRISTOPHE­R THOMAS The Reverend Merlyn Hyde-Riley (right), associate general secretary of the Jamaica Baptist Union (JBU), makes an address during the launch of the JBU’s community partnershi­p fair while Joy Clark (left), chairman of the community partnershi­p fair committee, and Reverend Everton Jackson, pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church, look on.

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