Jamaica Gleaner

Sagicor’s tribute to retiree Dr Marston Thomas

- Krysta Anderson/Gleaner Writer krysta.anderson@gleanerjm.com

THE TALK of the Town wasn’t just exemplifie­d in action, it was also discovered as the location for the recently held retirement soirée of Justice of the Peace Dr Marston Thomas.

Adorned in elegance, the exclusivel­y invited guests were warmly greeted by Sagicor representa­tives dressed in dark and exquisite gowns at the entrance to The Jamaica Pegasus hotel. From there, they were directed to the elevators and instructed to make their way to the 17th floor. Those doors opened to an enchanting sight of charming grandeur.

The fabulous ballroom overlookin­g the city saw attendees gathering in a delightful fashion for this auspicious occasion. The man of the night strolled in and mingled among his colleagues, friends, and family members. Ushering him off into retirement in style, members of the Sagicor Life Half-Way Tree branch, which Thomas headed as branch manager for 20 years, had planned the special dinner function in his honour.

A trained teacher by profession, Thomas spent 36 wonderful years dedicating his life to the life insurance industry. His journey got under way as a life insurance agent with then Life of Jamaica before the company was rebranded as Sagicor. He then soared to undeniable heights and made success his ultimate aim throughout his thriving career.


The air was filled with fun and lively anecdotes celebratin­g Thomas’ profession­al life. The active Seventh-day Adventist received a special musical tribute from a trio of songbirds: URIM 7. Entertaine­r Carey Sayles performed soulful gospel songs and had the audience singing along and sending up praises during the dinner.

Hitting closer to home, his colleague, Brian Bailey, unit manager at the Half-Way Tree Sagicor Life Branch, showcased his singing talent karaoke -style, with originally written lyrics on screen. Paired with his performanc­e were pictures of Marston over the years.

Marston is described as a transforma­tional leader, a philanthro­pist, and a family man who js loyal, honest, fair, and fun. In his response to his bon voyage dinner, he expressed sincere gratitude to everyone and thanked them wholeheart­edly for their support and for being part of his journey.

 ?? PHOTOS BY RUDOLPH BROWN/PHOTOGRAPH­ER ?? Dr Peter Phillips, (left) Opposition Leader, and Christophe­r Zacca (right), president and CEO of Sagicor Group Jamaica, with Dr Marston Thomas.
PHOTOS BY RUDOLPH BROWN/PHOTOGRAPH­ER Dr Peter Phillips, (left) Opposition Leader, and Christophe­r Zacca (right), president and CEO of Sagicor Group Jamaica, with Dr Marston Thomas.
 ??  ?? Merrick Plummer poses with his wife, Meila McKitty Plummer.
Merrick Plummer poses with his wife, Meila McKitty Plummer.

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